Fire Emblem: Awakening brought an old addition from Genealogy of the Holy War and made it to one of the series' most iconic gameplay mechanics. Child units areoptionalrecruitments obtained when two characters obtain an S-rank support. The exception to this is Chrom, as he will have his daughter Lucina regardless ifis married or not.
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They can inherit skills and growth rates and there are many combinations that make each child different. Where some of the Awakening children have advantages, they, except for one, will also havesome shortcomings whether it is their stat growths or class accessibility. Here is every child unit from Fire Emblem: Awakening ranked from worst to best.
13 Yarne

Yarne has it tough in both gameplay and story. He is the last of the Taguel race and the son of Panne, but he is a beast unit that underperforms compared to previous characters in the Fire Emblem series. He has great access to secondary classes such as Assassin and Trickster, which compliments his speed, but unless his father is Robin, it will be tough to make him stand out compared to the others. And no matter what class he is, he will retain his beast weakness.
12 Laurent

Laurent is an interesting case with a decent magic stat and growth rate, but he has the same flaws as his mother Miriel, being physically frail and not being able to double opponents naturally.
A lot of his class options also tend to focus on physical weapons such as Berserker, but making him a Dark Knight can be a good idea if his father is more strength-based like Gregor, Vaike, or Frederick. If there aren't any other options to make him better, than he can be a pair up bot for those he can support with.
11 Noire

Sadly for Noire, being an archer has her unable to counterattack unless she is one space away from an enemy. She can gain beneficial skills to help increase her hit rate, but with her mother being Tharja, she may want to become a Sorcerer, Sage, or Valkryie to gain an advantage of her magic growth rate. If you are keen on making her a physical attacker with magic as a backup, then a father like Gaius will give her access to great classes including Trickster, Assassin, and Dark Flier.
10 Kjelle

Just like Noire, you may want Kjelle to be something else other than the class she starts with. She can actually be a fast unit if she changes into a Pegasus Knight and then Dark Flier if Donnel or Gaius is her father, thus helping her get Galeforce.
Kjelle also benefits from having balanced stats if she becomes a Paladin or Hero. But if you do want a wall to tank hits, then having her stay as a General is a decent option if given a father like Kellam or even Chrom to gain access to Aether.
9 Gerome

Wyvern Knights like Gerome are great at having strength and defense, but in return, are weak against magic and having low luck. He is far from the worst, but there are ways Gerome can work in battle as long as there aren't many magic users.
And unfortunately, due to his mother, Cherche's secondary class options, he will never have access to Galeforce since males cannot become pegasus knights. But his physical defenses can help him endure hits, and if he gets Iote's Shield from DLC, then he won't have to worry about archers.
8 Brady

Brady having the utility of a healer is always appreciated on the battlefield. He won't be able to become a cavalry healer like his mother Maribelle, but he will have more defense to help him endure. With fathers like Ricken, Libra, or Henry, he can have a great magic stat to use tomes, heal more HP, and have a large range to make use of a Rescue staff. If you want to go the extra mile, have him inherit Galeforce from Maribelle to have him take out an enemy and heal up a damaged unit afterward.
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7 Nah

Nah has a similar situation with Yarne, as no matter what class she changes into, she will continue to have her dragon weakness. Fortunately, she has an advantage with Manaketes being really good in Awakening. She can either be a fast or tanky dragon, so almost any father can work for her if optimized correctly. She definitely serves well as her starting class, but picking up skills like Sol or Luna will help her out.
6 Severa

Awakening's tsundere will vary depending on who her father is, but with Cordelia as her mother, she will be able to inherit the classes needed to obtain the broken Galeforce skill. Severa is at her best with strength, speed, and skill being the necessary stats to make her deal damage and increase her survivability with fathers like Gaius, Lon'qu, and Vaike as great candidates. She can have the choice to remain a Mercenary and become a Hero, Bow Knight, or take an ironic approach and be a fast and hard-hitting Falcon Knight like her mother.
5 Owain

Owain is a dashing hero with respectable confidence, and he certainly does not disappoint in combat. His standard reclassing options compliment him, being able to obtain skills such as Astra from Swordmaster or Counter from the Warrior class.
Depending on his father, he can have an emphasis on using melee weapons or be the complete opposite and turn him into a magic-based unit. If you own the Xenologue 5 DLC, then making him a Dread Fighter is not a bad idea either.
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4 Cynthia

Cynthia shares similarities to Lucina, where her parent options are limited. As a pegasus knight, she has fantastic mobility with impressive speed, luck, and resistance. If her father is Chrom, then Aether will be an amazing offensive skill in her arsenal. If her mother Sumia is paired with Gaius, then she will be a blazingly fast unit with one of the highest speed stats in the game, as well as obtain skills from the Fighter class should he have them.
3 Inigo

The flirtatious, but shy Inigo can benefit from any father and become one of your most reliable units. Despite not being able to inherit the Dancer class from his mother Olivia, he will have her nice strength, speed, and luck growths. Similar to Owain, he can be a versatile unit solely focusing on strength-based weapons with fathers like Lon'qu, Gaius, or Chrom.On the other hand, he can have a nice magic stat if his father is Libra, Henry, or male Robin with magic as a boon.
2 Lucina

As a mandatory child unit, Lucina is a capable unit when she joins Chrom's army in chapter 13. She can either gain more experience cap up her levels from her starting class, or automatically promote to get closer to obtaining the powerful Aether skill.
There is a flaw with her that prevents her from being the best, and that is if Chrom marries a female villager instead of female Robin, Sumia, Maribelle, Sully, or Olivia. But if you were to marry Chrom to female Robin, for example, she will gain access to the most amount of classes at 35.
1 Morgan

With both male and female Robin being one of the most powerful characters in Awakening, both Morgans are easily the best child units in the game. You can pair your Robin up with anyone and they will be one of your strongest units.
And as if they haven't tipped the scales yet, they are fortunate to inherit Galeforce if you have female Robin obtain the skill from the Dark Flier class for male Morgan, or Aether if you marry one of Chrom's potential daughters with male Robin for female Morgan.
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