Kingdom of High Reach (2024)

The Kingdom of High Reach, situated in the rugged terrain of the western foothills and the Northridge Highlands of Evervale, ascended to prominence under the visionary leadership of King Alaric the Bold. Established in -929 AE, it stood as a beacon of unity and strength amidst the tumult of the region. Highreach City, its capital, epitomized the kingdom's resilience and cultural richness amid the wilderness. Fortifications such as Ironwood Keep and Timberfall Fortress highlighted High Reach's dedication to defense and strategic acumen. With a legacy steeped in heroism and perseverance, the kingdom endured as a testament to the unyielding spirit of its people and the illustrious reigns of its legendary monarchs


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 -1,000 AE (Ancient Era): The Age of Mythology
    • 1.2 -970 AE: The Rise of Alaric the Bold - The Birth of a Legend
    • 1.3 -935 AE: Alaric The Bold's Rise to Leadership
    • 1.4 -933 AE: The Unification of the Tribes
    • 1.5 -910 to -890: The Hobgoblin Wars
    • 1.6 -890 to -870 AE: The Rebuilding
    • 1.7 -870 AE: Passing of Alaric the Bold
    • 1.8 -871 AE: Ascension of Alaric II
    • 1.9 -835 AE: Assassination of King Alaric II
    • 1.10 -826 AE: Ascension of Gareth I
    • 1.11 -720 to -470 AE: The Age of Alliance and Conflict
    • 1.12 -450 AE to -350 AE: War of the Eternal Sun
    • 1.13 -305 AE to -215 AE: Alden Batler's Reign in High Reach
    • 1.14 -35 to 1 ID (Infernal Dominance) King Richard Batler's Reign and the First Infernal Invasion
    • 1.15 1 ID to Present Surviving Noble Houses
  • 2 Geography
    • 2.1 Major Regions:
    • 2.2 Climate:
    • 2.3 Natural Resources:
    • 2.4 Strategic Importance:
  • 3 Government
    • 3.1 Monarch
    • 3.2 Major Noble Houses
    • 3.3 Lesser Noble Houses
  • 4 Military Strength
  • 5 Religion
  • 6 Language


-1,000 AE (Ancient Era): The Age of Mythology[]

Kingdom of High Reach (1)

In the mists of ancient mythology, amidst the clash of tribes and the turmoil of battle, emerged the seeds of what would one day become the Kingdom of High Reach. Legends speak of the early inhabitants, predominantly human, fiercely defending their lands against the relentless onslaught of hobgoblins, goblins, and bugbears. These tumultuous times laid the foundation for the future unification of the tribes under a visionary leader.

-970 AE: The Rise of Alaric the Bold - The Birth of a Legend[]

In the year -970 AE, the realm witnessed the rise of Alaric the Bold, a figure whose name would echo through the annals of history. Born amidst the chaos of war, Alaric emerged as a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. From humble beginnings, he displayed remarkable leadership qualities and an unwavering determination to protect his people.

As a young man, Alaric's exploits on the battlefield earned him widespread admiration and respect among his fellow tribesmen. His courage in the face of adversity and his willingness to stand against the tide of darkness marked him as a leader among men.

With each victory, Alaric's legend grew, and with it, his influence over the tribes of the region. Recognizing his potential to unite their fractured people and bring an end to the cycle of violence that had plagued them for generations, tribal leaders from far and wide began to pledge their allegiance to him.

Thus began the journey of Alaric the Bold, a path that would lead him to greatness and forever change the course of history for the Kingdom of High Reach.

-935 AE: Alaric The Bold's Rise to Leadership[]

In -935 AE, at the age of 35, Alaric The Bold's rise to leadership continued to unfold as he further demonstrated his natural charisma and martial prowess. As he matured into a formidable warrior and leader, Alaric began to rally the disparate tribes of the region under his banner.

His magnetic personality and unwavering determination inspired loyalty and respect among those who knew him, and soon he found himself at the head of a small band of followers eager to follow him into battle. With each victory on the battlefield, Alaric's legend grew, and with it, his influence over the tribes of the region.

Recognizing his potential to unite their fractured people and bring an end to the cycle of violence that had plagued them for generations, tribal leaders from far and wide began to pledge their allegiance to him, swelling his ranks with warriors from every corner of the land.

Despite the challenges and obstacles, he faced, Alaric's vision of a united High Reach grew ever closer to fruition during this pivotal year. And as he continued to lead his people with courage and determination, the foundation for a new era of peace and prosperity began to take shape under his guidance.

-933 AE: The Unification of the Tribes[]

In -933 AE, at the age of 37, Alaric The Bold achieved a significant milestone in his quest for unity and stability in the region as he orchestrated the unification of the tribes. With his magnetic charisma, unwavering determination, and proven leadership on the battlefield, Alaric rallied the disparate tribes of the region under his banner.

His ability to inspire loyalty and respect among his followers led to a growing coalition of clans united in their desire for freedom and security. Tribal leaders from various backgrounds and regions pledged their allegiance to Alaric, recognizing his potential to lead them out of the cycle of violence that had plagued their lands for generations.

Despite facing challenges and resistance from rival warlords and ambitious chieftains, Alaric's steadfast resolve and strategic brilliance allowed him to overcome these obstacles. Through diplomacy, military prowess, and sheer force of will, he forged alliances and brokered agreements that laid the groundwork for a unified High Reach.

The unification of the tribes marked a turning point in the region's history, heralding the dawn of a new era under Alaric's leadership. As the tribes set aside their differences and came together as one, they forged a bond that would shape the destiny of High Reach for centuries to come.

-930 AE: The Campaigns of Alaric

In -930 AE, Alaric the Bold, now in his forties, embarked on a series of military campaigns to secure the lands that would one day become the Kingdom of High Reach. These campaigns were marked by valor, strategic brilliance, and the indomitable spirit of Alaric and his forces.

To the north, Alaric faced the relentless onslaught of hobgoblins, fierce warriors bent on conquest and domination. Despite their ferocity, Alaric's army stood firm, repelling the invaders and safeguarding the northern borders of High Reach.

In the east, along the border of what is now known as Novograd, Alaric confronted hordes of gnolls, bugbears, and barbaric tribes. The battles in these rugged lands were grueling and unforgiving, testing the resolve of Alaric's forces as they fought tooth and nail to maintain control of vital territories.

To the south, along the borders of the Havensmark, Alaric faced a different kind of threat. Hordes of goblins and orcs, driven by hunger for plunder and conquest, launched relentless attacks on High Reach's southern territories. Alaric's leadership and courage were put to the test as he led his troops in a desperate struggle to repel the invaders and safeguard the kingdom's southern borders.

Throughout these campaigns, Alaric's unwavering determination and tactical genius shone brightly, inspiring his troops to feats of bravery and heroism. Though the battles were fierce and the challenges daunting, Alaric and his forces emerged victorious, securing the lands of High Reach against all who would seek to threaten its sovereignty.

-929 AE: The Founding of High Reach

In -929 AE, following his successful military campaigns, Alaric the Bold founded the Kingdom of High Reach. The establishment of High Reach marked a significant turning point in the history of the region, transforming a collection of loosely connected tribes and territories into a unified and sovereign nation.

The founding ceremony was held on a plateau overlooking the newly secured lands. Alaric, standing before a gathered crowd of warriors, tribal leaders, and common folk, was crowned the first King of High Reach. The ceremony was both a solemn and joyous occasion, symbolizing hope, unity, and the promise of a brighter future for the people.

High Reach's strategic location, with its natural defenses and fertile lands, provided a strong foundation for the new kingdom. Alaric immediately set about building the capital city, also named High Reach, which would serve as the political, cultural, and military heart of the realm. The city was designed with both functionality and grandeur in mind, featuring formidable walls, a central keep, and a grand hall where the king could hold court.

Under Alaric's leadership, the kingdom began to flourish. He implemented policies that promoted trade, agriculture, and the arts, while also establishing a robust system of defense to protect against future invasions. Alaric's vision for High Reach was not only of a strong and secure kingdom but also of a place where culture and prosperity could thrive.

The founding of High Reach was a testament to Alaric's exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication to his people. It laid the groundwork for a legacy that would endure for generations, as the kingdom continued to grow and prosper under the guidance of its bold and visionary founder.

-910 to -890: The Hobgoblin Wars[]

Kingdom of High Reach (2)

In the early years following the founding of High Reach, the kingdom faced its first major test: the Hobgoblin War. This grueling conflict saw King Alaric the Bold, a seasoned and revered leader, defending his nascent realm from the relentless onslaught of hobgoblin invaders.

A vast army of hobgoblins, led by the fearsome warlord Gorgash the Ironfist, descended upon High Reach with a singular purpose: to conquer and subjugate the kingdom. The hobgoblin horde, numbering around 80,000 strong, was a formidable and organized force, known for their ruthless tactics and iron discipline. Alaric's forces, consisting of approximately 50,000 warriors at their peak, faced overwhelming odds.

Battle of Timberfall

The most significant and iconic battle of the war occurred early on at Timberfall. Here, Alaric’s forces, bolstered by the legendary warrior Carson Fairweather (great-grandfather of Alexander Fairweather), faced the full might of Gorgash’s horde. Despite being outnumbered, Alaric's army displayed unmatched bravery and strategic prowess. The Battle of Timberfall was marked by fierce combat, with neither side willing to retreat. The ground was stained red with the blood of the fallen, symbolizing the ferocity and high stakes of the battle.

Siege Warfare and Guerrilla Tactics

Throughout the Hobgoblin War, the forces of High Reach engaged in various forms of combat, ranging from large-scale sieges to guerrilla warfare. The hobgoblins launched relentless attacks on key fortifications and settlements, attempting to break the spirit and resistance of High Reach. However, Alaric's leadership and the unwavering resolve of his warriors ensured that the kingdom’s defenses held strong.

The Siege of Ironwood Keep

One of the pivotal moments of the war was the Siege of Ironwood Keep. The hobgoblins laid siege to this vital stronghold, where the lord of Ironwood awaited reinforcements from Alaric. Ironwood Keep, the ancestral home of Lord Cedric Ironwood, would later be renowned as the last bastion of High Reach during the first year of the Infernal Invasion, where Cedric himself would perish, marking the fall of High Reach.

The Final Stand at Highreach City

The war reached its climax at Highreach City, the heart of the kingdom. This great siege and battle were the ultimate test of Alaric's leadership and the kingdom's resolve. The hobgoblin forces, led by Gorgash himself, besieged the city with relentless ferocity. Alaric’s forces, though weary and battle-worn, mounted a fierce defense. The battle raged for days, with both sides suffering tremendous losses. In a decisive move, Alaric personally led a charge that broke through the hobgoblin lines, scattering their forces and killing Gorgash the Ironfist in combat. The death of their leader caused the remaining hobgoblins to retreat in disarray.

Conclusion and Aftermath

After five years of relentless warfare, High Reach emerged victorious, but the victory came at a heavy cost. The kingdom was left scarred and exhausted, with countless lives lost and much of its infrastructure in ruins. Despite the devastation, the successful defense against the hobgoblin horde became a defining moment in the history of High Reach.

King Alaric the Bold was hailed as a hero, his name becoming synonymous with courage and resilience. The Hobgoblin War forged a strong sense of unity and identity among the people of High Reach, and Alaric’s leadership was immortalized in legend. The kingdom, though battered, stood united and resolute, ready to face whatever future challenges lay ahead.

The Hobgoblin War served as a testament to the resilience and fortitude of High Reach, a story of triumph against overwhelming odds, and a pivotal chapter in the kingdom's storied history. The lessons learned and the bonds forged during this period of conflict would shape the destiny of High Reach for generations to come.

-890 to -870 AE: The Rebuilding[]

In the aftermath of the Hobgoblin War, the Kingdom of High Reach faced the daunting task of reconstruction. The war had left the land scarred and its people weary, but under the leadership of King Alaric the Bold, High Reach embarked on a remarkable period of rebuilding and renewal.

Restoring the Land

The first priority was to restore the land itself. Vast swathes of farmland had been laid to waste, and numerous villages and towns lay in ruins. Alaric ordered the clearing of battlefield debris and the rebuilding of essential infrastructure. Roads and bridges were repaired, facilitating the movement of people and goods across the kingdom.

Rebuilding the Fortifications

High Reach's fortifications had borne the brunt of the hobgoblin assaults. Castles, keeps, and defensive walls were rebuilt and reinforced. The Siege of Ironwood Keep had demonstrated the importance of strongholds in the kingdom's defense, and Alaric ensured that these fortifications were stronger than ever before. The craftsmen and masons of High Reach worked tirelessly, creating fortresses that would stand the test of time.

Economic Recovery

The war had devastated the economy of High Reach. Trade routes had been disrupted, and many artisans and farmers had perished in the conflict. Alaric implemented policies to stimulate economic recovery. Tax incentives were given to farmers to encourage the replanting of crops. Trade agreements were reestablished with neighboring regions, and new markets were opened to invigorate commerce.

Social Reforms

Understanding that the kingdom's strength lay in its people, Alaric focused on social reforms. Veterans of the Hobgoblin War were given land grants and positions of responsibility within the kingdom, thus having fully anointed knights. These measures not only rewarded their bravery but also ensured that experienced and loyal individuals played key roles in the rebuilding process.

The Restoration of Highreach City

Kingdom of High Reach (3)

Highreach City, the capital of the kingdom, had suffered greatly during the final stand against the hobgoblins. Alaric spearheaded the restoration of the city, ensuring that it was rebuilt with grandeur and resilience. Public buildings, including the royal palace and the grand cathedral, were reconstructed, symbolizing the kingdom's rebirth and enduring spirit.

Cultural Renaissance

The period of rebuilding also saw a cultural renaissance in High Reach. The arts flourished as the kingdom sought to heal from the wounds of war. Poets, musicians, and artists were patronized by the crown, creating works that celebrated the heroism of the war and the resilience of the people. Festivals and public celebrations became common, fostering a sense of unity and shared identity among the citizens.

The Legacy of Rebuilding

By the end of this twenty-year period, High Reach had transformed from a war-torn kingdom into a beacon of strength and renewal. The efforts of Alaric the Bold and his people had not only rebuilt the physical structures of the kingdom but had also revitalized its spirit. The Rebuilding of High Reach became a testament to the kingdom’s resilience and determination.

King Alaric's leadership during this time solidified his legacy as a wise and compassionate ruler. His vision and dedication ensured that High Reach emerged from the shadow of war stronger and more united than ever before, ready to face the future with confidence and hope. The lessons learned and the unity forged during these years of rebuilding would shape the destiny of High Reach for generations to come.

-870 AE: Passing of Alaric the Bold[]

In -870 AE, the Kingdom of High Reach mourned the passing of its beloved monarch, King Alaric the Bold. Alaric's death marked the end of an era and left the realm bereft of its noble guardian. His life had been defined by valor, wisdom, and unwavering dedication to his people, and his loss was keenly felt by all who had known him.

Alaric's reign had been a time of great trials and triumphs. From the earliest days of his rise to power, he had faced formidable challenges, from the relentless onslaught of the hobgoblin horde to the arduous task of rebuilding the kingdom in the aftermath of war. Through it all, Alaric had led with courage and compassion, earning the respect and admiration of his subjects.

Under his leadership, High Reach had emerged from the crucible of conflict stronger and more united than ever before. His vision and determination had guided the kingdom through its darkest hours, inspiring hope and resilience in the hearts of his people.

But even the mightiest of rulers are mortal, and in the end, Alaric's time upon the throne came to an end. His passing cast a pall of sorrow over the kingdom, as the people mourned the loss of their beloved king. Yet amid their grief, they also found solace in the memories of his reign and the legacy he had left behind.

Alaric's death marked a turning point in the history of High Reach, ushering in a period of transition and uncertainty. The kingdom had lost not only its sovereign but also a guiding light and a symbol of strength and stability. In the wake of his passing, the future of High Reach hung in the balance, as the realm grappled with the question of who would succeed the legendary monarch and lead the kingdom into a new era.

Yet though Alaric was gone, his spirit lived on in the hearts of his people, a beacon of hope and inspiration that would endure for generations to come. His legacy would shape the destiny of High Reach for centuries, a testament to the enduring power of courage, compassion, and the indomitable human spirit. And though he had passed into legend, the memory of King Alaric the Bold would forever remain etched in the annals of history, a testament to the enduring legacy of a true hero.

-871 AE: Ascension of Alaric II[]

In the wake of his father's passing, Alaric II ascended to the throne of High Reach, inheriting a kingdom still reeling from the scars of war. Born into a time of turmoil (The Hobgoblin War), Alaric II had witnessed the trials and triumphs of his father's reign, shaping him into a leader worthy of the crown.

As a child, Alaric II had shown remarkable promise, displaying wisdom and courage beyond his years. Under the tutelage of his father, he had been groomed for leadership, learning the art of governance, diplomacy, and warfare from a young age. When the time came for him to take up the mantle of kingship, he did so with a sense of duty and determination befitting his lineage.

Ascending to the throne at the age of twenty-one, Alaric II faced immediate challenges to his rule. The kingdom was still recovering from the devastation of the Hobgoblin Wars, and internal strife threatened to undermine the stability of High Reach. Yet, despite the daunting odds, Alaric II remained steadfast in his resolve to lead his people with courage and compassion.

In the early years of his reign, Alaric II focused on rebuilding and revitalizing the kingdom. He implemented policies to stimulate economic growth, fostered trade and commerce, and invested in infrastructure projects to improve the lives of his subjects. Under his guidance, High Reach began to flourish once more, its cities bustling with activity, its fields ripe with harvest, and its people filled with hope for the future.

But Alaric II's greatest challenge lay in maintaining peace and stability within the realm. Factional rivalries and regional disputes threatened to tear the kingdom apart, and the specter of war loomed on the horizon. Yet, through shrewd diplomacy and judicious use of military force, Alaric II managed to keep the peace, forging alliances and quelling dissent to ensure the unity of High Reach.

As the years passed, Alaric II's reign became synonymous with prosperity and progress. His visionary leadership and tireless dedication to his people earned him the admiration and respect of all who knew him. Under his rule, High Reach entered a golden age, its borders secure, its people thriving, and its future filled with promise.

The ascension of Alaric II marked a new chapter in the history of High Reach, a chapter defined by strength, unity, and the enduring spirit of its people. As the kingdom looked to the future, guided by the steady hand of its young king, it did so with optimism and confidence, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as one.

-867 AE The Ironwatch Treaty

In the early years of his reign, Alaric II recognized the importance of securing alliances to safeguard the future of High Reach. With the kingdom facing external threats and the ever-looming specter of conflict, Alaric II embarked on a diplomatic mission to forge alliances that would strengthen the realm.

One of the most significant achievements of Alaric II's diplomatic efforts was the negotiation of the Ironwatch Treaty. Signed in -867 AE, this historic agreement solidified a powerful alliance between High Reach and a prominent dwarven clan dwelling in the Ironspire Peaks.

The Ironwatch Treaty laid the groundwork for mutual defense and cooperation between High Reach and the dwarven clan, ensuring that both realms would stand united against any external threats. Under the terms of the treaty, High Reach gained access to the dwarves' formidable military and technological prowess, while the dwarves received assurances of support and aid from the kingdom.

This alliance not only bolstered the military strength of High Reach but also facilitated trade and cultural exchange between the two realms. The Ironwatch Treaty ushered in an era of prosperity and security for High Reach, strengthening its position as a formidable force in the region.

As the kingdom faced new challenges and adversaries, the Ironwatch Treaty stood as a testament to the diplomatic acumen and foresight of Alaric II, ensuring that High Reach would face the future with confidence and resilience.

The Great Famine (-865 to -861 AE)

Amidst the prosperity brought about by the Ironwatch Treaty, High Reach was faced with a dire crisis—the Great Famine. From -865 to -861 AE, the kingdom was gripped by widespread sickness, disease, and famine, threatening the very fabric of society.

Alaric II, burdened by the suffering of his people, turned to the divine for guidance, seeking aid from Lathander, the Morninglord. Through fervent prayers and supplications, Alaric II implored the god for assistance in alleviating the kingdom's plight.

In response to Alaric II's prayers, Lathander bestowed upon him a vision, revealing that Rylen Blackwood, the head of House Blackwood at the time, would play a crucial role in the kingdom's salvation. With this divine revelation, Alaric II found renewed hope and determination, recognizing the divine hand guiding their efforts.

United by faith and resolve, Alaric II and Rylen Blackwood worked tirelessly to confront the challenges posed by the Great Famine. Their collaborative efforts, infused with divine inspiration, became a beacon of hope for the people of High Reach, offering reassurance in the face of adversity.

For five long years, Alaric II and Rylen Blackwood led efforts to distribute food, provide medical aid, and coordinate relief efforts throughout the kingdom. Their tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to their people saved countless lives and inspired hope amidst the darkness of the famine.

The Great Famine, though a time of great suffering and hardship, ultimately showcased the resilience and compassion of High Reach's leadership. In the face of overwhelming adversity, Alaric II and Rylen Blackwood stood as beacons of hope, guiding their kingdom through the darkest of times and emerging stronger and more united than ever before.

Birth of Gareth I (-855 AE)

In the midst of the negotiations surrounding the Ironwatch Treaty, a significant event unfolded that would shape the future of High Reach—the birth of Gareth I, the illegitimate son of King Alaric II. Born in -855 AE, Gareth I's arrival into the world occurred amidst a backdrop of political intrigue and diplomatic maneuvering.

As the negotiations with the dwarven clan from the Ironspire Peaks progressed, Gareth I entered the world, his birth heralding both hope and uncertainty for the kingdom. Born into a world of power struggles and rivalries, Gareth I's illegitimate status would prove to be both a blessing and a curse as he navigated the treacherous waters of court politics.

Despite his unconventional lineage, Gareth I's birth would not go unnoticed by those vying for power within the kingdom. As he grew, Gareth I's presence would become increasingly felt within the royal court, his destiny intertwined with the fate of High Reach itself.

The circ*mstances surrounding Gareth I's birth would shape his upbringing and future endeavors, setting the stage for the role he would play in the turbulent history of High Reach. As the kingdom grappled with internal strife and external threats, Gareth I would emerge as a central figure, his actions leaving an indelible mark on the kingdom and its people.

-835 AE: Assassination of King Alaric II[]

In the bustling desert city of Dusthaven, where shadows danced among the sand-swept streets and whispered secrets lingered in every corner, a sinister plot took shape, destined to alter the course of High Reach's history.

In the year -835 AE, as the kingdom of High Reach enjoyed a fragile peace after weathering the storms of the Ironwatch Treaty and the Great Famine, a shadowy figure emerged from the depths of Dusthaven's underworld. Hired by a lord of a lesser house within High Reach, this assassin embarked on a journey fraught with peril, traveling across vast distances to reach the heart of the kingdom.

Disguised in the guise of a traveler, the assassin slipped through High Reach's defenses under the cover of darkness, their presence concealed amidst the bustling streets and crowded marketplaces. With lethal precision and unwavering determination, they closed in on their target—the revered King Alaric II, whose death would plunge the kingdom into chaos.

In the dead of night, within the hallowed halls of High Reach's royal palace, the assassin struck, their blade glinting ominously in the moonlight as it found its mark. With a swift and silent stroke, King Alaric II fell, his life extinguished by the hand of a faceless assailant.

The news of the king's assassination spread like wildfire, sending shockwaves of fear and uncertainty rippling through the kingdom. Suspicion gripped the hearts of High Reach's nobles as they grappled with the implications of the heinous act. Whispers of betrayal and treachery echoed through the corridors of power, as the true motives behind the assassination remained shrouded in secrecy.

As High Reach mourned the loss of its beloved ruler, the kingdom teetered on the brink of turmoil. With King Alaric II's death, the fragile peace that had been painstakingly forged was shattered, leaving the realm vulnerable to the ambitions of those who sought to seize power amidst the chaos.

-826 AE: Ascension of Gareth I[]

In the year -826 AE, amidst the tumultuous aftermath of King Alaric II's assassination, Gareth I, the illegitimate son of the fallen monarch, ascended to the throne of High Reach. Despite being born into the shadows of illegitimacy, Gareth possessed a noble spirit and an unwavering sense of duty to his kingdom.

As Gareth assumed the mantle of kingship at the tender age of 29, he was thrust into a world rife with intrigue and danger. Determined to uncover the truth behind his father's murder, Gareth delved into the murky depths of High Reach's political landscape, where rivalries simmered and treachery lurked in every shadow.

It wasn't long before Gareth's investigation led him to Tavin Grimthorne, a formidable figure and the leader of a lesser noble house within High Reach. Tavin, a man of cunning and ambition, had orchestrated the assassination of King Alaric II in a bid to further his own power and influence.

Fueled by righteous anger and a thirst for justice, Gareth vowed to bring Tavin Grimthorne to account for his crimes. With the support of his loyal allies and the unwavering backing of the High Reach populace, Gareth embarked on a quest to expose the treachery that had stained the kingdom's honor.

-821 to -818: Outbreak of the Civil War

The Outbreak of the Civil War in -821 AE marked a dark chapter in the history of High Reach. Gareth I, the determined but inexperienced king, found himself embroiled in a conflict that would test the very foundations of the kingdom.

Gareth rallied the major noble houses to his cause, seeking to unite High Reach against the treachery of Tavin Grimthorne and his allies. However, Tavin had cunningly gathered at least three other lesser houses to his side, creating a formidable opposition to Gareth's rule.

For five long years, war ravaged the land as Gareth and Tavin vied for control of High Reach. Battles were fought, lives were lost, and the kingdom was torn apart by internal strife.

In a climactic showdown known as the Duel of Gareth I and Tavin Grimthorne, the fate of High Reach hung in the balance. Tavin, wielding his longsword with deadly precision, struck Gareth down in a brutal confrontation on the battlefield. Gareth fell, his noble steed slain beneath him, leaving the kingdom reeling from the loss of its king. Gareth I, the illegitimate son of King Alaric II, fell in a fatal duel with Tavin Grimthorne, marking the tragic end of Alaric the Bold's bloodline and plunging High Reach into turmoil.

Just three weeks later, Tavin Grimthorne fell victim to a treacherous ambush orchestrated by Derrick Batler, a cunning and ambitious nobleman. The Ambush of Tavin Grimthorne marked a turning point in the civil war, but the kingdom remained mired in conflict and uncertainty as rival factions vied for power and control.

-720 to -470 AE: The Age of Alliance and Conflict[]

Ascension of House Batler and Alliance with House Blackwood

In the year -720 AE, amidst prolonged political instability, High Reach found itself in dire need of a strong leader. House Batler, known for its valor and lineage, ascended to the throne, ushering in a new era of stability and prosperity. With their coronation came the appointment of House Blackwood, revered for their martial prowess and sagacious counsel, as chief advisors and wardens of the realm. Together, they formed an unbreakable bond, dedicated to safeguarding the kingdom and guiding it through the challenges that lay ahead.

Second Hobgoblin Invasion

In -620 AE, a dark shadow descended upon High Reach as the kingdom faced its second great conflict against the hobgoblin menace. Led by a fearsome warlord, the hobgoblin horde swept across the eastern front, threatening to overrun the realm. In the face of overwhelming odds, High Reach rallied its forces and marshaled its allies for a desperate defense. The clash of steel and the roar of battle echoed across the land as valiant warriors fought bravely to repel the invaders and safeguard the kingdom's sovereignty.

Alliance with Novograd and Orc Horde Invasion

Recognizing the grave threat posed by the orc warlord and his vast horde, High Reach forged a historic alliance with the neighboring realm of Novograd in -590 AE. United in purpose, the two kingdoms stood as bulwarks against the relentless tide of goblins, orcs, and gnolls. For 120 years, High Reach and Novograd remained steadfast allies, their combined strength deterring would-be aggressors and preserving peace along their borders. Together, they weathered the storm of invasion, emerging victorious against the forces of darkness that sought to plunge the land into chaos.

Suppression of Rebellions and Wyvern Attacks

Amidst the ebb and flow of history, High Reach faced internal strife and external threats. Rebellions, fueled by ambition and discontent, flared up sporadically, challenging the authority of the crown. Yet, with the steadfast support of House Blackwood and the unwavering loyalty of its subjects, High Reach swiftly quelled these uprisings, reaffirming the strength of its institutions and the resilience of its people. Additionally, measures were taken to fortify the kingdom's borders against the menace of wyverns, whose attacks posed a constant threat to the safety of its frontiers.

Alliance with Elven Havensmark Territories

In -470 AE, seeking to secure its southern borders and forge new alliances, High Reach entered into a comprehensive pact with the Elves of the Havensmark territories. This alliance, rooted in mutual respect and shared interests, strengthened the kingdom's defenses and fostered cultural and economic exchange between the two realms. As allies, High Reach and the Elves stood united against external threats, their combined strength serving as a bulwark against aggression and ensuring the security and prosperity of their lands for generations to come.

-450 AE to -350 AE: War of the Eternal Sun[]

In the year -450 AE, the tranquil realms of Havensmark, High Reach, and Novograd faced an unprecedented threat as King Solarius of Aravos Dynasty a fabled desert kingdom steeped in ancient lore, sought to expand his dominion through conquest. Emboldened by a newfound alliance with High Reach and bolstered by the support of Dusthaven, the bustling port city of Maritide, and the nomadic desert tribes, Solarius unleashed a grand invasion into the territories of his neighbors.

Driven by visions of glory and power, Solarius marshaled his vast armies, comprising hundreds of thousands of warriors drawn from across the sun-scorched expanse of the Aravos Dynasty, along with mercenaries and desert tribesmen eager for plunder. Their aim was to carve out a vast empire, uniting the disparate lands under the banner of Solrius's Kingdom.

The forces of Solarius, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, formed an unstoppable tide that swept across the borders like a scorching wind, leaving destruction and chaos in their wake. Supported by formidable siege engines, war beasts, and the relentless desert cavalry, the invaders seemed poised to crush all opposition in their path.

However, the coalition of Havensmark, High Reach, and Novograd, bound by shared heritage and a determination to preserve their freedom, stood resolute in the face of the impending threat. Drawing upon centuries of military tradition and fortified by the unwavering loyalty of their people, the realms prepared to repel the invaders and defend their homelands at all costs.

As the armies clashed on the borders, the land trembled with the thunder of war, and the skies darkened with the smoke of battle. Despite the overwhelming numbers and ferocity of Solarius's assault, the defenders held firm, rallying to the call of their leaders and fighting with unmatched courage and determination.

For centuries, the conflict raged on, with both sides suffering staggering casualties as the war consumed the resources and manpower of the realms. The once verdant fields and bustling cities now bore the scars of relentless warfare, as the land became a crucible of death and destruction.

Amidst the chaos and carnage, tales of heroism and sacrifice emerged, as brave warriors from all walks of life rose to defend their homes and loved ones. From the towering walls of High Reach to the ancient forests of Havensmark, the defenders stood united, their resolve unbroken even in the face of overwhelming odds.

In the end, it was the collective strength and unity of Havensmark, High Reach, and Novograd that proved insurmountable. Despite Solarius's ambition and the might of his vast armies, the defenders held fast, refusing to yield an inch of their sacred soil to the invaders. Gradually, the tide of war began to turn, as the coalition pushed back against the relentless onslaught of Solarius's forces.

After centuries of bloodshed and sacrifice, a fragile peace settled over the land, as the realms emerged from the crucible of war forever changed. Though scars remained, the borders of Havensmark, High Reach, and Novograd stood firm against the encroaching threat of Solarius, as they stood as bastions of freedom and defiance in the face of tyranny.

-355 AE to -305 AE: The Scorching Crusade

In -355 AE, King Carden Batler of High Reach, driven by an unyielding determination to eradicate the threat of King Solarius and his kingdom in the Sunscorch Expanse, embarked on a daring crusade. With the support of two noble allies from Novograd and an elvish mage noble, Carden led a formidable coalition into the heart of the desert, confronting the tyrant head-on.

Their journey through the harsh sands of the Sunscorch Expanse was a grueling test of endurance and courage. Battling against scorching heat and treacherous terrain, the crusaders pressed forward, undeterred by the hardships they faced, their resolve unwavering.

As they neared Solarius border, they encountered fierce resistance from Solarius's forces, who fiercely defended their kingdom. Despite the challenges, Carden and his companions pushed onward, determined to bring an end to Solarius's tyranny.

Upon reaching the outskirts of Solarid, the elvish mage unleashed a powerful ritual, conjuring a raging sandstorm that engulfed the city, burying it beneath the dunes and vanquishing Solarius's reign.

However, victory came at a great cost. Carden had lost most of his forces due to fighting, heat, and dwindling supplies. As the crusaders ventured towards Dusthaven to claim its riches, they fell prey to a cunning ambush orchestrated by assassins, resulting in the tragic death of King Carden Batler.

Despite this setback, Carden's legacy endured, inspiring future generations to stand firm against tyranny. The tale of the Scorching Crusade against King Solarius and the fall of Solarius's Kingdom would be remembered for centuries as a testament to the courage and sacrifice of those who dared to challenge the darkness threatening the realms.

-305 AE to -215 AE: Alden Batler's Reign in High Reach[]

During Alden Batler reign from -305 AE to -215 AE, High Reach experienced a period of stability and enlightenment. Alden ruled with wisdom and justice, earning the respect and admiration of his subjects. He implemented progressive policies, including the opening of High Reach to the worship of multiple gods while elevating Lathander as the primary deity of the realm.

Under Hectar's leadership, High Reach flourished both culturally and economically. The kingdom enjoyed a time of prosperity and growth, with trade flourishing and the arts thriving. Alden’s commitment to justice and inclusivity fostered a sense of unity among the people, ensuring a peaceful and harmonious society.

Kingdom of High Reach (4)

Despite the challenges that arose during his reign, including threats from neighboring realms and internal dissent, Alden's firm and fair governance kept High Reach strong and resilient. His reign laid the foundation for a prosperous future, shaping the kingdom's destiny for generations to come.

-35 to 1 ID (Infernal Dominance) King Richard Batler's Reign and the First Infernal Invasion[]

King Richard Batler ascended to the throne of High Reach during a time of relative peace and prosperity, following in the footsteps of his wise predecessors. However, his reign would be marked by a dark and harrowing chapter in the kingdom's history—the First Infernal Invasion or 1 ID.

As the ruler of High Reach, Richard faced the daunting task of defending his realm against the malevolent forces of the Nine Hells. The archdevils, led by the formidable Moloch, launched a sudden and brutal assault on the mortal realm, catching the kingdoms unaware and unprepared.

Despite Richard's valiant efforts to rally his forces and fortify High Reach's defenses, the overwhelming might of the infernal legions proved too much to withstand. In a desperate siege, Richard fought courageously alongside his subjects, determined to protect his kingdom at any cost.

Tragically, King Richard Batler fell in battle, his noble sacrifice serving as a symbol of defiance against the forces of darkness. High Reach, along with the other kingdoms, suffered greatly under the onslaught of the archdevils, marking the beginning of a long and bitter struggle for survival against the infernal invaders.

During his reign, which spanned from -36 AE to 1 ID, Richard was known for his commitment to justice and fairness. His policies promoted economic growth and social stability, fostering an environment where the arts flourished and trade prospered. Despite the tranquility of his rule, Richard faced challenges as rumors of unrest stirred in distant corners of the realm.

While Richard's reign ended tragically with his death in battle against the infernal forces, his legacy endured as a beacon of hope for future generations. Though High Reach suffered a grievous blow, the spirit of resilience and determination that Richard embodied lived on, inspiring his people to rise from the ashes and reclaim their homeland from the forces of darkness.

1 ID to Present Surviving Noble Houses[]

Despite the devastation wrought by the infernal invasion, some noble houses managed to endure the onslaught. Among them was House Blackwood, led by Lord Thaddeus Blackwood. Seeking refuge from the chaos and destruction, House Blackwood found sanctuary in Havenscrest, the capital of the neighboring elvish kingdom of Havensmark. Their survival amidst the ruins of High Reach provided a beacon of hope and continuity in the face of overwhelming adversity.


High Reach is a kingdom characterized by diverse and varied landscapes, each contributing to the kingdom's cultural, economic, and military strengths.

Major Regions:[]

  1. Ironspire Peaks:
    • Description: Located in the northern part of High Reach, the Ironspire Peaks are a rugged mountain range known for their imposing heights and treacherous terrain. The capital city is situated by the valley of these peaks, neighboring Ironwatch, the dwarven clan. This location offers a naturally fortified position and strategic advantage.
    • Notable Features: The Great Citadel, the Royal Palace, and iron-rich mines.
  2. Plains of Havensmark:
    • Description: Situated far south of the capital, these vast plains are interspersed with lush forests. The Plains of Havensmark are the elvish territories bordering High Reach, known for their fertile soil, making this region the agricultural heartland of the kingdom.
    • Notable Features: Extensive farmlands, small villages, and dense forests.
  3. Western Hills and Forests:
    • Description: West of the capital, the terrain gradually transitions into rolling hills and dense forests, eventually reaching the ocean. This region is vital for its timber resources and scenic beauty.
    • Notable Features: The Emerald Woods, coastal fortresses, and fishing villages.
  4. Eastern Forests and Sunward Steppes:
    • Description: East of the capital, the forests extend for miles until they give way to the Sunward Steppes, a more arid region that marks the border with the lands of Novograd.
    • Notable Features: Border fortifications, trade caravans, and vast steppe lands.


  • Temperate Climate: High Reach experiences a temperate climate with four distinct seasons: warm summers, mild autumns, cold winters, and blooming springs.
  • Microclimates: Varying microclimates exist due to the diverse geography, with coastal areas having milder winters and cooler summers, and mountainous regions experiencing harsher winters and cooler temperatures year-round.

Natural Resources:[]

  • Mountains: Ironspire Peaks provide iron and other valuable minerals.
  • Forests: Western hills and forests, as well as those around Havensmark, offer abundant timber and wildlife.
  • Plains: The Plains of Havensmark support extensive agriculture due to their fertile soil.

Strategic Importance:[]

High Reach's geography plays a significant role in its defense and military strategy. The natural barriers provided by mountains, forests, and coastlines help protect the kingdom from invasions. The capital's location near the Ironspire Peaks offers a strong defensive position, while the plains and forests provide resources and cover for troop movements. The well-connected road network facilitates rapid deployment of forces and efficient trade across the kingdom.

In summary, the geography of High Reach, with its imposing mountains, fertile plains, dense forests, and strategic coastal regions, forms the backbone of the kingdom's prosperity and defense. The diverse landscapes not only define its natural beauty but also underpin its economic wealth and military resilience.


The government of High Reach is characterized by a feudal monarchy, where ultimate authority resides with the reigning monarch, often referred to as the king or queen. However, the governance of the kingdom is not solely centralized in the hands of the monarch; instead, it operates within a feudal system where power is distributed among various noble houses.


The monarch serves as the sovereign ruler of High Reach, wielding significant authority over the realm. They are responsible for making decisions regarding matters of state, diplomacy, law enforcement, and defense.

Noble Houses: High Reach is home to a network of noble houses, each with its own lands, titles, and spheres of influence. These noble houses play a crucial role in the governance of the kingdom, providing military support, political counsel, and economic resources to the monarch.

Major Noble Houses[]

  1. House Batler - Lords of Highreach City
    • Head: King Richard Batler
    • Territory: Highreach City and surrounding areas
    • Description: House Batler, the ruling house, directly oversees the capital. Known for strategic leadership and loyalty to the crown, House Batler is integral to the kingdom's defense and governance.
  2. House Ironwood - Guardians of Evergreen
    • Head: Lord Cedric Ironwood
    • Territory: Evergreen and its lush forests
    • Description: Renowned for their martial traditions and expertise in woodland warfare, House Ironwood protects the kingdom's forested regions and is crucial in maintaining High Reach's natural resources.
  3. House Stormguard - Protectors of Stormwatch
    • Head: Lord Frederick Stormguard
    • Territory: Stormwatch and coastal defenses
    • Description: With a strong naval presence and fortified coastal towns, House Stormguard ensures the kingdom's northern maritime defenses and manages trade routes.
  4. House Blackwood - Lords of Ironvale
    • Head: Lord Thaddeus Blackwood
    • Territory: Ironvale and its iron mines
    • Description: House Blackwood, known for its strategic military acumen and resource management, controls the iron mines vital to the kingdom's armament production. Despite being the last major house established, their contributions are significant.

Lesser Noble Houses[]

  1. House Wrathbone - Overlords of the Eastern Front
    • Head: Lord Malthar Wrathbone
    • Territory: Eastern Highlands
    • Description: House Wrathbone, the newest noble house, is responsible for defending against eastern threats, particularly marauding tribes and potential invasions.
  2. House Fairweather - Keepers of Timberfall
    • Head: Lord Alexander Fairweather
    • Territory: Timberfall
    • Description: Known for their agricultural prowess, House Fairweather ensures the kingdom's food supply and manages extensive farmlands.
  3. House Greenfield - Wardens of the Western Borders
    • Head: Lady Eliza Greenfield
    • Territory: Western Borders, approximately 120 miles north of Havensmark, bordering The Crystal Shores
    • Description: House Greenfield maintains the western defenses and oversees trade with neighboring regions. As the only house with a female lordship, they are noted for their progressive views on leadership.

Advisors: The monarch often relies on a council of advisors, consisting of trusted individuals from both noble and non-noble backgrounds. These advisors offer guidance and expertise on various matters of governance, helping the monarch make informed decisions for the betterment of the realm.

Feudal Structure: Underpinning the government of High Reach is a feudal structure, where the monarch grants land and titles to vassals in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and financial support. This system ensures a hierarchical distribution of power and responsibility throughout the kingdom.

Local Governance: Within High Reach, local governance is overseen by appointed officials known as stewards or lords, who administer specific regions or territories on behalf of the monarch. These local leaders are responsible for maintaining law and order, collecting taxes, and resolving disputes within their jurisdiction.

Overall, the government of High Reach operates within a feudal framework, characterized by a complex interplay of royal authority, noble influence, and local governance structures. This system has evolved over centuries, shaping the political landscape of the kingdom and influencing its history and culture.

Military Strength[]

Military of High Reach

Kingdom of High Reach (5)

The military of High Reach is a formidable force, comprising well-trained soldiers, skilled knights, and disciplined archers. Led by the ruling House Batler, the kingdom's military strength is further augmented by the expertise and contributions of other noble houses.

Pre-Infernal Invasion Military Strength:

  • Infantry: High Reach maintains a standing infantry force of approximately 20,000 trained soldiers, capable of defending the kingdom's borders and maintaining internal security.
  • Cavalry: The kingdom boasts a cavalry of around 5,000 knights, renowned for their skill in mounted combat and swift response to threats along the frontier.
  • Archers: High Reach fields a contingent of 10,000 archers, adept at ranged warfare and providing support to ground forces during engagements.
  • Naval Fleet: House Stormguard oversees High Reach's naval fleet, consisting of 50 warships and 100 smaller vessels, ensuring maritime security along the kingdom's coastlines and trade routes.
  • Total Military Strength: With the combined forces of noble houses and auxiliary units, High Reach's military strength stands at approximately 35,000 troops.

During the Infernal Invasion:

  • Mobilization: In response to the threat posed by the infernal invasion, King Richard Batler mustered all available forces, including those of noble houses and bannermen, to defend the kingdom.
  • Total Strength: With the full mobilization of High Reach's military resources, including reinforcements from allied realms, the kingdom's military strength swelled to an estimated 50,000 troops.
  • Challenges: Despite the increased numbers, the infernal invasion presented unprecedented challenges, testing the resolve and capabilities of High Reach's defenders against the overwhelming forces of the Nine Hells.

Despite their valiant efforts, the kingdom ultimately fell victim to the infernal onslaught, leading to the tragic loss of King Richard Batler and a significant portion of High Reach's military forces.


Dominant Religion:

  • Lathander, the Morninglord: The primary deity worshipped in High Reach is Lathander, the god of dawn, renewal, and creativity. Temples dedicated to Lathander can be found throughout the kingdom, with grand ceremonies marking significant events such as the dawn of a new year or the birth of a new heir. The influence of Lathander is deeply embedded in the cultural and spiritual life of High Reach, promoting values of hope, renewal, and perseverance.

Freedom of Worship:

  • Religious Diversity: Under the rule of King Hectar Batler, High Reach adopted a policy of religious tolerance, allowing the worship of various deities within the kingdom. While Lathander remains the primary deity, the people of High Reach are free to worship other gods according to their beliefs and traditions.

Other Commonly Worshipped Deities:

  • Chauntea, the Great Mother: Goddess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest. Chauntea's followers are primarily farmers and those living in rural areas, seeking her blessings for bountiful crops and healthy livestock.
  • Torm, the True: God of duty, loyalty, and righteousness. Torm is often revered by knights, soldiers, and those who serve in positions of authority, emphasizing the importance of duty and honor.
  • Tymora, Lady Luck: Goddess of good fortune, adventurers, and gamblers. Her worshippers seek her favor in their daily endeavors, believing in the power of luck and chance.
  • Mystra, the Mother of All Magic: Goddess of magic and the arcane. Mystra's followers include mages, wizards, and scholars who seek to unlock the mysteries of the universe through the study of magic.

Religious Practices:

  • Festivals and Rituals: High Reach celebrates numerous religious festivals and rituals throughout the year. The Festival of Dawn, honoring Lathander, is one of the most significant, featuring dawn services, feasts, and communal gatherings.
  • Temples and Shrines: Temples dedicated to Lathander and other deities are found in major cities and towns. Smaller shrines and altars can be found in villages and rural areas, allowing worshippers to pay their respects and offer prayers.
  • Clergy and Religious Orders: The kingdom is home to various religious orders and clergy who serve as spiritual leaders and advisors. Priests and priestesses of Lathander play a prominent role in both religious and civic life, providing guidance and support to the people of High Reach.

Religious practices in High Reach contribute significantly to the kingdom's cultural richness and social cohesion, fostering a sense of community and shared values among its diverse populace.


Common Language:

  • Common Tongue: The primary language spoken in High Reach is the Common Tongue, a widely understood language that facilitates communication across various regions and cultures within the kingdom. It serves as the lingua franca for trade, governance, and everyday interactions.

Other Languages:

  • Elvish: Due to the close ties with the Elven territories of Havensmark, Elvish is also commonly spoken, especially among the educated and diplomatic circles. Many nobles and scholars learn Elvish to facilitate better relations and cultural exchange.
  • Dwarvish: With trade and occasional alliances with Dwarven clans, particularly those providing metals and craftsmanship, Dwarvish is another language understood by merchants, craftsmen, and those involved in trade negotiations.
  • Celestial: Given the strong influence of Lathander and other deities, Celestial is often used in religious ceremonies and texts. Clerics, paladins, and devout worshippers learn Celestial to engage more deeply with their faith.
  • Regional Dialects: Various regions within High Reach have their own dialects and accents, reflecting the diverse cultural heritage of the kingdom. These dialects enrich the linguistic tapestry of High Reach and are often celebrated in local traditions and folklore
Kingdom of High Reach (2024)
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