(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ... · A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (2025)

(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)



Donald R. DavisJonathan I. Dingel

Working Paper 18188http://www.nber.org/papers/w18188


Cambridge, MA 02138June 2012

We thank Pol Antras, Arnaud Costinot, Jessie Handbury, Walker Hanlon, Sam Kortum, Corinne Low,Ben Marx, Joan Monras, Suresh Naidu, Daniel Sturm, Eric Verhoogen, Reed Walker, David Weinstein,and seminar participants at the CESifo conference on heterogeneous firms in international trade, Columbiaapplied micro and international trade colloquia, NYU, Princeton IES Summer Workshop, Spatial EconomicResearch Centre annual conference, and University of Toronto for helpful comments on various drafts.We thank Paul Piveteau for research assistance. We are grateful to Enrico Moretti and Stuart Rosenthalfor sharing their housing-price measures with us. Dingel acknowledges financial support from theProgram for Economic Research at Columbia University. The views expressed herein are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review by the NBER Board of Directors that accompanies officialNBER publications.

© 2012 by Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, notto exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including© notice, is given to the source.

(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (2)

A Spatial Knowledge EconomyDonald R. Davis and Jonathan I. DingelNBER Working Paper No. 18188June 2012JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1


Leading empiricists and theorists of cities have recently argued that the generation and exchange ofideas must play a more central role in the analysis of cities. This paper develops the first system ofcities model with costly idea exchange as the agglomeration force. Our model replicates a broad setof established facts about the cross section of cities. It provides the first spatial equilibrium theoryof why skill premia are higher in larger cities, how variation in these premia emerges from symmetricfundamentals, and why skilled workers have higher migration rates than unskilled workers when bothare fully mobile.

Donald R. DavisColumbia University, Department of Economics1038 Intl. Affairs Building420 West 118th St.New York, NY 10027and [emailprotected]

Jonathan I. DingelDepartment of Economics, Columbia University420 W. 118th St.New York, NY [emailprotected]

(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (3)

1 Introduction

Cities di!er markedly. They di!er in size, of course. But a large city is much more than the

summation of many small towns. Larger cities have more educated populations and higher

productivity, wages, housing prices, and inequality. These di!erences across cities are not

external facts of nature. They are the result of hundreds of millions of individual decisions,

each made in light of di!erent cities o!ering di!erent jobs, associates, earnings, and costs of

living. What links these individual decisions to the aggregate outcomes we observe in the

cross section of cities? That is the question we address in this paper.

In the last couple of decades, theorists have focused on the role of cities as loci for the

exchange of goods as the agglomeration force in the cross section of cities. This is the “new

economic geography” launched by Krugman (1991). Recently, however, important voices

have argued that the exchange of ideas as an agglomeration force needs to take a more

central role in the discussion. Notably, Krugman (2011, pp. 5-6) writes

How can you de-emphasize technology and information spillovers in a world

in which everyone’s prime examples of localization are Silicon Valley and Wall

Street?. . . The New Economic Geography style, its focus on tangible forces, seems

less and less applicable to the actual location patterns of advanced economies.

Similarly, Glaeser and Gottlieb (2009, p. 983) write

Some manufacturing firms cluster to reduce the costs of moving goods, but this

force no longer appears to be important in driving urban success. Instead, modern

cities are far more dependent on the role that density can play in speeding the

flow of ideas.

This emphasis accords well with empirical evidence suggesting that wages are higher in

larger cities for those with occupations emphasizing cognitive and people skills rather than

motor skills and physical strength (Bacolod, Blum, and Strange, 2009). Studies also suggest

that knowledge exchanges and communication skills are more common and more valuable in

larger cities (Charlot and Duranton, 2004).

Economists have long understood that cities provide an opportunity to learn from others.

Marshall (1890) wrote that in cities the “mysteries of the trade become no mysteries; but are

as it were in the air.” A seminal formalization of this idea treats learning in a city as a pure

local externality (Henderson, 1974). But the influence of research on idea exchange as an


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (4)

agglomeration force has been limited by a “black box” critique. The di"culty is that if ideas

are a pure externality, costlessly available to all in the city, then they are both evanescent in

empirical terms and close to assuming your conclusion in theoretical terms (Fujita, Krugman,

and Venables, 1999, p.4). To advance, we need models of idea exchange that, like the new

economic geography, provide explicit microeconomic foundations.

We will be considering idea exchange among heterogeneous workers. A number of recent

contributions have sought to explain di!erences in outcomes for skilled and unskilled workers

across cities by appealing to exogenous di!erences in fundamental characteristics of those

cities.1 We instead follow the example of the new economic geography: spatial heterogeneity

across cities emerges from perfectly symmetric fundamentals.2

We have emphasized that location is a choice. When individuals choose their locations

freely and optimally, a system of cities is in “spatial equilibrium.”3 Glaeser and Gottlieb

(2009) refer to spatial equilibrium as “the field’s central theoretical tool.” Similarly, Moretti

(2011) stresses the importance of spatial equilibrium as a necessary condition for thinking

about long-term spatial patterns. We note this because there is a counter tradition that uses

observed di!erences in movement between skilled and unskilled workers as reason to assume

that unskilled workers are immobile. In models of long-run spatial outcomes, di!erential

movement should be a result, not an assumption.

In this paper, we develop the first system of cities model in which costly exchange of

ideas is the agglomeration force. Our model is consistent with a broad set of established

facts about the cross section of cities. It provides the first spatial-equilibrium account of

why skill premia rise with city sizes. Our model also provides the first spatial-equilibrium

account of how variation in such skill premia may arise from symmetric fundamentals. We

provide the first explanation of why skilled workers move more than unskilled workers when

both are mobile. Our approach is su"ciently flexible that it can be adapted to address a

variety of questions about the spatial organization of activity within and between cities.

1For example, Glaeser (2008) and Beaudry, Doms, and Lewis (2010) model skill-segmented housingmarkets and skill-biased housing supplies to explain spatial variation in skilled wage premia. Gyourko,Mayer, and Sinai (2006) and Eeckhout, Pinheiro, and Schmidheiny (2010) model exogenous di!erences inhousing supply elasticities and city-level productivities, respectively.

2We do not reject the idea that so-called “first nature” fundamental di!erences across locations haveinfluenced and continue to influence population patterns. For example, Glaeser (2005) traces how thegeographic advantages of the obscure Dutch trading outpost of New Amsterdam helped it become thecolossus of New York City. But these are not the proximate forces that, for example, led Google to recentlybuy one of the city’s largest buildings. Much more likely is that Manhattan provides Google with valuableopportunities to interact with others.

3Abdel-Rahman and Anas (2004) survey the literature on systems of cities.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (5)

Understanding the sources of di!erences in the cross section of cities is of considerable

importance in its own right (Glaeser, 2008; Glaeser and Gottlieb, 2009). This importance

is amplified by the fact that many fields of economics also use the cross section of cities

and regions as a laboratory for testing theories beyond the traditional bounds of urban and

regional economics.4 A clearer understanding of the forces shaping key economic patterns

in the cross section of cities will provide a stronger foundation for studies making use of this


1.1 Idea exchange

Our model of idea exchange is in the spirit of Lucas (1988). He wrote

Most of what we know we learn from other people. We pay tuition to a few of

these teachers. . . but most of it we get for free, and often in ways that are mutual

– without a distinction between student and teacher. (p.38)

We develop this in several respects. First, we make explicit that the knowledge acquired

in these exchanges is not really free. The opportunity cost is time not devoted to other

productive activities. In our model, agents choose their time allocation optimally. Second,

since much knowledge is tacit, requiring face-to-face communication, we treat cities as the

loci of learning communities.5 Third, we use a continuous distribution of heterogeneous

labor. Because what one has to o!er other learners and what one can learn oneself varies

across these individuals, spatial sorting of learners into distinct cities with distinct learning

opportunities is quite natural. Finally, in addition to having learning depend on the average

ability of learners in one’s community, we have it depend as well on the mass of learners (cf.

Glaeser 1999). A solitary genius is not enough.

Our approach unites two strands of literature on the exchange of ideas. One has focused

on spatial choices of learning opportunities when knowledge spillovers are exogenous and

freely available within a city (Henderson, 1974; Black, 1999). Another has focused on choices

of learning activities within a single location of exogenous population (Helsley and Strange,

4Recent examples include Albouy (2009) on federal taxation of nominal income, Autor and Dorn (2012) onthe polarization of jobs, Beaudry, Doms, and Lewis (2010) on the introduction of computers as a technologicalrevolution, and Nakamura and Steinsson (2011) on fiscal stimulus in a monetary union.

5This is in line with Lucas’s observation: “What can people be paying Manhattan or downtown Chicagorents for, if not for being near other people?” (Lucas, 1988, p.39) For more on how proximity facilitatesknowledge transmission, see Ja!e, Trajtenberg, and Henderson (1993), Audretsch and Feldman (2004), andArzaghi and Henderson (2008).


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (6)

2004; Berliant, Reed III, and Wang, 2006; Berliant and Fujita, 2008; Lucas and Moll, 2011).6

In our model, locational choices shape knowledge exchanges because learning opportunities

are heterogeneous and depend upon the time-allocation decisions of the learners in each

location. Our characterization of idea exchanges is simple compared to those presented in

the second strand of literature, but this allows us to tractably model endogenous exchanges

of ideas in a system of cities.

An issue that is unavoidable when considering endogenous idea exchange is how one will

treat labor heterogeneity. One possibility is to work with purely homogeneous labor, so

that all exchange is purely horizontal. A second possibility is to work with two classes of

labor, skilled and unskilled. We take heterogeneity to its limit and consider a continuum of

labor types. Common experience tells us that even PhDs from elite universities are highly

heterogeneous in their knowledge and skills. This holds a fortiori when we consider the

very wide range of labor in the economy as a whole. Moreover, we will show that this labor

heterogeneity is of considerable analytic convenience in making sense of important features

of the cross-city data.

1.2 Idea exchange and the cross section of cities

We embed our process of idea exchange in a perfectly competitive economic environment.

Inter-city trade costs are zero or infinite. Cities are sites where producers interact in order

to acquire productivity-increasing ideas. Our model features people who are heterogeneous

in a single dimension. In the core model, there are two produced goods, tradables and non-

tradables. Tradables production makes use of the underlying heterogeneity of individuals;

non-tradables production does not. By comparative advantage, as in Roy (1951), high-ability

individuals sort into the tradables sector. In the tradables sector, individuals can divide their

time between directly producing the homogeneous tradable good and raising their produc-

tivity by exchanging ideas with others in their city who also devote time to learning. All

tradables producers find attractions in large, high-ability cities where learning opportuni-

ties are greatest. However, congestion leads to high prices for housing and non-tradable

services. A tradable producer’s productivity gains from idea exchanges are supermodular

in own ability and a city’s learning opportunities, so tradables producers sort across cities.

6Glaeser (1999) is an important precursor to our approach. His model specifies two locations, a city anda rural hinterland. In contrast to our approach, the fundamental di!erence between the two locations isexogenous, since learning is possible only in the city.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)

Larger cities are populated by higher-ability individuals who, in equilibrium, devote more

time to exchanging ideas. Non-tradables are produced in every city by the least able agents

who are exactly compensated for cities’ price di!erences in housing and non-tradables.

Our model matches a broad set of facts from the empirical literature. First, cities exhibit

substantial heterogeneity in size, as required by the literature on the city-size distribution

(Gabaix, 1999). While our model has symmetric fundamentals, it generically yields asym-

metric outcomes. Second, these size di!erences are accompanied by di!erences in wages,

housing prices, and productivity (Glaeser, 2008). Our model’s agglomeration and congestion

forces link these components together in equilibrium so that larger cities are more expensive

and more productive. Third, while there is evidence that a meaningful share of spatial wage

variation is attributable to spatial sorting of heterogeneous workers (Combes, Duranton, and

Gobillon, 2008; Gibbons, Overman, and Pelkonen, 2010; De la Roca, 2012), this sorting is

incomplete and individuals of many skill types are present in every city. The Roy-model

component of our approach yields this imperfect sorting, since there is sorting within trad-

ables producers but not within non-tradables producers. Fourth, people are highly mobile

in advanced economies and respond to spatial arbitrage opportunities (Borjas, Bronars, and

Trejo, 1992; Dahl, 2002; Notowidigdo, 2011). Our model follows the spatial-equilibrium

tradition in assuming zero mobility costs.

Our emphasis on labor heterogeneity naturally yields predictions about spatial variation

in wage inequality. Workers in the skilled tradables sector can raise their productivity by ex-

changing ideas. In equilibrium, larger cities o!er more valuable idea-exchange environments,

so higher-ability tradables producers locate there and benefit more from idea exchanges. Our

focus on the within-group heterogeneity of skilled workers matches findings that attending a

higher quality college is particularly associated with higher wages in larger cities (Bacolod,

Blum, and Strange, 2009) and that larger cities exhibit greater within-group wage dispersion

(Baum-Snow and Pavan, 2011). Making idea exchange among skilled tradables producers the

agglomeration force also links cities’ population sizes and skill premia. The spatial sorting

of skilled tradables producers yields a positive premium-population relationship.

Theoretically linking together cities, ideas, and skill premia is non-trivial. Unlike tem-

poral di!erences in wage premia, spatial di!erences in wage premia are disciplined by a

no-arbitrage condition. As Glaeser (2008, p.85) notes, when people are mobile, di!erences

in productivity “tend to show up exclusively in changes in quantities of skilled people, not

in di!erent returns to skilled people across space.” The canonical spatial-equilibrium model,


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (8)

in which there are two homogeneous skill groups and preferences are homothetic, predicts

that skill premia are spatially invariant (Black, Kolesnikova, and Taylor, 2009).

In short, spatial theory lags behind the empirical evidence. Glaeser, Resseger, and Tobio

(2009, p.639) state that “we are much more confident that di!erences in the returns to skill

can explain a significant amount of income inequality across metropolitan areas than we

are in explaining why areas have such di!erent returns to human capital.” We provide an

explanation by modeling cities, heterogeneous skills, and ideas.

We are not aware of a prior spatial-equilibrium model that links skill premia to cities’

sizes. Nor are we aware of a prior spatial-equilibrium model that generates spatial variation

in skill premia from symmetric fundamentals. Previous system of cities models amended the

canonical model by introducing spatial variation in fundamentals, namely skill-segmented

housing markets and skill-biased housing supplies, in order to explain spatial variation in

skill premia (Glaeser, 2008; Beaudry, Doms, and Lewis, 2010). These neoclassical models

did not relate skill premia to city sizes.

Our model’s results about city size and wage inequality are related to recent theoretical

work by Behrens, Duranton, and Robert-Nicoud (2010) and Behrens and Robert-Nicoud

(2011). These authors also focus on labor heterogeneity by using a continuum of abili-

ties. Their work di!ers in two important respects. First, they model agglomeration driven

by the exchange of goods. This emphasis potentially complements our study of idea ex-

change. Second, their explanations of cross-city inequality di!erences stem from assuming

that laborers make irreversible one-time locational choices.7 Our model provides the first

spatial-equilibrium explanation of these phenomena.

Wage inequality and city size are strongly linked in the data. Glaeser, Resseger, and

Tobio (2009) and Behrens and Robert-Nicoud (2011) report that larger cities exhibit higher

Gini coe"cients; Baum-Snow and Pavan (2011) show that they have greater overall variance

in nominal wages. In this paper, we focus on the skilled wage premium, a relative price

that captures important dimensions of wage inequality. Figure 1 demonstrates that skill

premia, measured as di!erences in average log weekly wages between college graduates and

high school graduates, are higher in more populous metropolitan areas.8 The scatterplot

shows substantial cross-city variation in skill premia and that a large share of this variation

7All workers entering a city have identical abilities in these models. Upon choosing a city, workersrandomly draw their productivity levels. Behrens and Robert-Nicoud (2011) note that allowing for mobilityin their model “would imply that a city’s equilibrium income distribution is independent of its size.”

8Appendix Figure A1 of Baum-Snow and Pavan (2011) also appears to suggest this relationship.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (9)

Figure 1: Skill premia and metropolitan populations, 2000

Abilene, TX

Akron, OH

Albany, GA Albany--Schenectady--Troy, NYAlbuquerque, NM

Alexandria, LA

Allentown--Bethlehem--Easton, PA

Altoona, PA

Amarillo, TX

Anchorage, AK

Ann Arbor, MIAnniston, AL

Appleton--Oshkosh--Neenah, WI

Asheville, NC

Athens, GA

Atlanta, GA

Atlantic--Cape May, NJAuburn--Opelika, AL

Augusta--Aiken, GA--SC Austin--San Marcos, TXBakersfield, CA

Baltimore, MD

Bangor, ME

Barnstable--Yarmouth, MA

Baton Rouge, LA

Beaumont--Port Arthur, TX

Bellingham, WA

Benton Harbor, MIBergen--Passaic, NJ

Billings, MT

Biloxi--Gulfport--Pascagoula, MS

Binghamton, NY

Birmingham, AL

Bloomington, IN

Bloomington--Normal, ILBoise City, ID

Boston, MA--NH

Boulder--Longmont, CO

Brazoria, TXBremerton, WA

Bridgeport, CT

Brockton, MA

Brownsville--Harlingen--San Benito, TX

Bryan--College Station, TXBuffalo--Niagara Falls, NY

Burlington, VT

Canton--Massillon, OH

Casper, WY

Cedar Rapids, IA

Champaign--Urbana, IL

Charleston--North Charleston, SCCharleston, WV

Charlotte--Gastonia--Rock Hill, NC--SC

Charlottesville, VA

Chattanooga, TN--GA

Cheyenne, WY


Chico--Paradise, CA

Cincinnati, OH--KY--IN

Clarksville--Hopkinsville, TN--KY

Cleveland--Lorain--Elyria, OH

Colorado Springs, CO

Columbia, MO

Columbia, SC

Columbus, GA--AL

Columbus, OH

Corpus Christi, TX

Cumberland, MD--WV

Dallas, TX

Danbury, CT

Danville, VA

Davenport--Moline--Rock Island, IA--ILDayton--Springfield, OHDaytona Beach, FL

Decatur, ALDecatur, IL

Denver, CO

Des Moines, IADetroit, MI

Dothan, AL

Dover, DE

Duluth--Superior, MN--WI

Dutchess County, NY

Eau Claire, WI

El Paso, TX

Elkhart--Goshen, IN

Elmira, NY

Erie, PA

Eugene--Springfield, OR

Evansville--Henderson, IN--KYFargo--Moorhead, ND--MN

Fayetteville, NC

Fayetteville--Springdale--Rogers, AR

Fitchburg--Leominster, MAFlagstaff, AZ--UT

Flint, MIFlorence, AL

Florence, SC

Fort Collins--Loveland, CO

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Myers--Cape Coral, FL

Fort Pierce--Port St. Lucie, FLFort Smith, AR--OK

Fort Walton Beach, FL

Fort Wayne, IN

Fort Worth--Arlington, TX

Fresno, CA

Gadsden, AL

Gainesville, FL

Galveston--Texas City, TX

Gary, IN

Glens Falls, NYGoldsboro, NC

Grand Forks, ND--MN

Grand Junction, CO

Grand Rapids--Muskegon--Holland, MI

Great Falls, MT

Greeley, CO

Green Bay, WI

Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High Point, NC

Greenville, NC

Greenville--Spartanburg--Anderson, SC

Hagerstown, MD

Hamilton--Middletown, OH

Harrisburg--Lebanon--Carlisle, PAHartford, CT

Hattiesburg, MSHickory--Morganton--Lenoir, NC

Honolulu, HIHouma, LA

Houston, TX

Huntington--Ashland, WV--KY--OH

Huntsville, AL

Indianapolis, IN

Iowa City, IA

Jackson, MI

Jackson, MS

Jackson, TN

Jacksonville, FLJacksonville, NC

Jamestown, NY

Janesville--Beloit, WI

Jersey City, NJ

Johnson City--Kingsport--Bristol, TN--VAJohnstown, PA

Joplin, MO

Kalamazoo--Battle Creek, MI

Kankakee, IL

Kansas City, MO--KS

Kenosha, WI

Killeen--Temple, TX

Knoxville, TN

Kokomo, IN

La Crosse, WI--MN

Lafayette, LA

Lafayette, IN

Lake Charles, LA Lakeland--Winter Haven, FLLancaster, PA

Lansing--East Lansing, MI

Laredo, TXLas Cruces, NM

Las Vegas, NV--AZ

Lawrence, KS

Lawrence, MA--NH

Lawton, OK

Lewiston--Auburn, MELexington, KY

Lima, OH

Lincoln, NE

Little Rock--North Little Rock, ARLongview--Marshall, TX

Los A

Louisville, KY--IN

Lowell, MA--NHLubbock, TX

Lynchburg, VAMacon, GA

Madison, WI

Manchester, NH

Mansfield, OH

McAllen--Edinburg--Mission, TX

Medford--Ashland, OR

Melbourne--Titusville--Palm Bay, FLMemphis, TN--AR--MS

Merced, CA

Miami, FL

Middlesex--Somerset--Hunterdon, NJ

Milwaukee--Waukesha, WIMinneapolis--St. Paul, MN--WI

Missoula, MT

Mobile, AL

Modesto, CA

Monmouth--Ocean, NJ

Monroe, LA

Montgomery, AL

Muncie, IN

Myrtle Beach, SC

Naples, FL

Nashua, NH

Nashville, TN

Nassau--Suffolk, NY

New Bedford, MA New Haven--Meriden, CTNew London--Norwich, CT--RI

New Orleans, LANew Y

Newark, NJ

Newburgh, NY--PA Norfolk--Virginia Beach--Newport News, VA--NC

Oakland, CA

Ocala, FL

Odessa--Midland, TX

Oklahoma City, OK

Olympia, WA

Omaha, NE--IA

Orange County, CA

Orlando, FL

Owensboro, KY

Panama City, FL

Parkersburg--Marietta, WV--OH Pensacola, FL

Peoria--Pekin, IL

Philadelphia, PA--NJ

Phoenix--Mesa, AZ

Pine Bluff, AR

Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsfield, MA

Portland, ME

Portland--Vancouver, OR--WA

Portsmouth--Rochester, NH--ME

Providence--Fall River--Warwick, RI--MAProvo--Orem, UT

Pueblo, CO

Punta Gorda, FL

Racine, WI

Raleigh--Durham--Chapel Hill, NC

Rapid City, SD

Reading, PARedding, CA

Reno, NV

Richland--Kennewick--Pasco, WA

Richmond--Petersburg, VARiverside--San Bernardino, CA

Roanoke, VA

Rochester, MN

Rochester, NY

Rockford, IL

Rocky Mount, NC

Sacramento, CA

Saginaw--Bay City--Midland, MI

St. Cloud, MN

St. Joseph, MO

St. Louis, MO--IL

Salem, OR

Salinas, CASalt Lake City--Ogden, UT

San Angelo, TX

San Antonio, TX

San Diego, CA

San Francisco, CA

San Jose, CA

San Luis Obispo--Atascadero--Paso Robles, CA

Santa Barbara--Santa Maria--Lompoc, CA

Santa Cruz--Watsonville, CA

Santa Fe, NM

Santa Rosa, CA

Sarasota--Bradenton, FL

Savannah, GA

Scranton--Wilkes-Barre--Hazleton, PA Seattle--Bellevue--Everett, WA

Sharon, PA

Sheboygan, WI

Sherman--Denison, TX

Shreveport--Bossier City, LA

Sioux City, IA--NE

Sioux Falls, SD

South Bend, IN Spokane, WASpringfield, IL

Springfield, MO

Springfield, MA

Stamford--Norwalk, CT

State College, PASteubenville--Weirton, OH--WV

Stockton--Lodi, CA

Sumter, SC

Syracuse, NY

Tacoma, WA

Tallahassee, FL

Tampa--St. Petersburg--Clearwater, FL

Terre Haute, IN

Texarkana, TX--Texarkana, AR

Toledo, OH

Topeka, KS

Trenton, NJ

Tucson, AZTulsa, OK

Tuscaloosa, ALTyler, TX

Utica--Rome, NYVallejo--Fairfield--Napa, CA

Ventura, CA

Victoria, TX

Vineland--Millville--Bridgeton, NJ

Visalia--Tulare--Porterville, CA

Waco, TX

Washington, DC--MD--VA--

Waterbury, CT

Waterloo--Cedar Falls, IA

Wausau, WI

West Palm Beach--Boca Raton, FL

Wheeling, WV--OH Wichita, KS

Wichita Falls, TX

Williamsport, PAWilmington--Newark, DE--MDWilmington, NC

Worcester, MA--CTYakima, WA

Yolo, CA

York, PA

Youngstown--Warren, OH

Yuba City, CAYuma, AZ





ill pr



11 12 13 14 15 16MSA log population

Note: The skill premium is the di!erence in average log weekly wages between full-time, full-year employeeswhose highest educational attainment is a bachelor’s degree and those whose is a high school degree in a(primary) metropolitan statistical area. See appendix C for a detailed description of the data and estimation.

is explained by cities’ sizes. College wage premia range from about 47% in metropolitan

areas with 100,000 residents to about 71% in places with 10 million residents.

Prior work on spatial variation in skill premia has studied how skill premia correlate

with other city characteristics, such as the fraction of the population possessing a college

degree (Glaeser, 2008; Glaeser, Resseger, and Tobio, 2009; Beaudry, Doms, and Lewis, 2010)

or housing prices (Black, Kolesnikova, and Taylor, 2009). Table 1 shows that the positive

premium-population relationship is robust to controlling for these other characteristics. Fur-

thermore, the relationship does not depend on whether we measure skill premia controlling

for individuals’ observable characteristics or not. The positive correlation between cities’

population sizes and skill premia is a robust, persistent, first-order feature of the data that

requires a spatial-equilibrium explanation.9

9Regressions for 1990 and 2007 also demonstrate a strongly positive premium-population relationship.See appendix C.2. This spatial pattern does not appear to be a temporary or disequilibrium phenomenon.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)

Table 1: Skill premia and metropolitan characteristics, 2000

Skill premialog population 0.033** 0.029** 0.036** 0.028**

(0.0038) (0.0056) (0.0046) (0.0054)log rent 0.031 0.097**

(0.036) (0.037)log college ratio -0.029 -0.065**

(0.021) (0.019)

R2 0.156 0.160 0.166 0.192Composition-adjusted skill premialog population 0.028** 0.030** 0.031** 0.029**

(0.0033) (0.0050) (0.0039) (0.0049)log rent -0.015 0.017

(0.035) (0.035)log college ratio -0.025 -0.032

(0.018) (0.017)

R2 0.154 0.155 0.164 0.165Observations 325 325 325 325

Robust standard errors in parentheses** p<0.01, * p<0.05

Note: Each column reports an OLS regression. In the upper panel, the dependent variable is a metropolitanarea’s skill premium, measured as the di!erence in average log weekly wages between college and high schoolgraduates. The lower panel uses composition-adjusted skill premia. See appendix C for a detailed descriptionof the data and estimation.

1.3 Spatial equilibrium and skill patterns of migration

Our aim in this paper is to understand the spatial choices of skilled and unskilled workers as

well as the observable, heterogeneous consequences of these choices. One prominent contrast

between skilled and unskilled workers is that the skilled migrate more frequently than the

unskilled (Greenwood, 1997; Molloy, Smith, and Wozniak, 2011). Table 2 demonstrates that

prime working age US-born individuals who change residences are nearly 70% more likely

to change metropolitan areas if they hold a bachelor’s degree rather than just a high school

degree. Moreover, bachelor’s degree holders move farther when they change residences. The

typical move of a college graduate is about 80% greater than that of a high school graduate.10

Even if we compare only those who change metropolitan areas, college graduates move more

than 25% farther than high school graduates.

10In this calculation, we assign a distance of zero to residence changes within the same public-use microdataarea. See appendix C for details.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)

Table 2: Educational attainment and migration

High school degree Bachelor’s degreeDi!erent residence than five years prior 42% 48%Di!erent metropolitan area | di!erent residence 19% 32%Average distance (km) | di!erent residence 204 365

Standard error (0.9) (1.4)Average distance (km) | di!erent metropolitan area 771 977

Standard error (3.3) (3.7)Note: The sample is made up of US-born individuals ages 30–55 residing in metropolitan areas inthe 2000 Census public-use microdata whose highest educational attainment is a bachelor’s degree ora high school degree. See appendix C for details.

How shall we incorporate this contrast in movement of the skilled and unskilled into

our thinking about spatial patterns of activity across cities? One answer is embodied in

the Krugman (1991) core-periphery model, which translates the observation of di!erential

movement into an assumption of di!erential mobility. This has been extremely influential in

subsequent work and so deserves careful attention.11 This has two key shortcomings. The

first is that if the fundamental problem that one wants to address is the spatial pattern of

economic activity, location has to be a choice, not an assumption.12 Second, since many

of these models assume that labor is homogeneous within a broad class, this also has im-

portant consequences for welfare. In particular, perfectly mobile skilled workers receive the

same utility everywhere. Perfectly immobile unskilled workers receive utility that varies by

location, but only because they are assumed unable to move.

We develop a simple dynamic extension of our model that considers costly migration

in the limit as those common costs for skilled and unskilled workers converge to zero, that

is, as we converge to full spatial equilibrium. We believe this extension provides important

advances on the prior literature. The greater rate of movement of skilled than unskilled,

as well as the greater average distance of moves by the skilled, is a result rather than an

assumption. Moreover, because we can explain the facts in spatial equilibrium, our model

does not rely on a failure of arbitrage to make sense of spatial welfare heterogeneity.13

11See, for example, Tabuchi and Thisse (2002) and Borck, Pfluger, and Wrede (2010). Autor and Dorn(2012) also make this assumption. Helpman (1998) shows how the results of Krugman (1991) are altered bymodeling the centrifugal force as housing supplies rather than immobile “peasants.”

12Assuming immobility precludes other explanations for lack of movement, a point underscored in No-towidigdo (2011).

13We recognize that short-run responses to economic shocks may be highly localized due to movement


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)

2 A spatial knowledge economy

This section develops a simple spatial knowledge economy, explores the basic model’s relation

to important empirical regularities in the cross section of cities, and then extends it to a

simple dynamic model of migration and outsourcing to explore di!erential movement of the

skilled and unskilled.

2.1 Consumption

Individuals consume three goods: tradables, non-tradable services, and (non-tradable) hous-

ing. Services and housing are necessities; after consuming s units of non-tradable services

and one unit of housing, consumers spend all of their remaining income on tradables, which

we use as the numeraire.14 The indirect utility function, therefore, for a consumer with

income I facing prices p in city c is

V (p, I) = Ic " ps,cs " ph,c (1)

Consumers are perfectly mobile across cities and jobs, so their locational and occupational

choices maximize V (p, I).

2.2 Production

2.2.1 Housing and non-tradable services

Every system of cities model must have both agglomeration and congestion forces. Since our

contribution will focus on the force for agglomeration, we model the congestion force in the

most stripped-down way possible. Alonso (1964), Mills (1967), and Muth (1969) developed

a simple model of the internal structure of the city in which residents commute from home

to a central business district. We follow Behrens, Duranton, and Robert-Nicoud (2010) and

introduce this in a standard form.15 Each location is endowed with housing sites that serve

costs (Autor, Dorn, and Hanson, 2011). Still, we believe spatial equilibrium is the right starting point for ananalysis of long-run spatial patterns, which may be stable across decades or longer. Moreover, one cannotmeasure the speed at which spatial arbitrage occurs without the baseline provided by a model in which sucharbitrage is costless.

14This specification, in which consumers demand a fixed quantity of non-tradables, is also found in Glaeser,Gyourko, and Saks (2006) and Moretti (2011). We use it for analytical convenience; it is not crucial to ourresults. See also footnote 23.

15See appendix section A.1 for details.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)

as residences and that do not require any labor input. We will refer to ph,c as the consumer

price of housing in city c, but the reader should keep in mind that this incorporates both

land rents and commuting costs and is invariant across locations within a city. This yields

a simple increasing relation between housing prices, ph,c, and a city’s population, Lc, of the

form ph,c = !L!c , with !, " > 0.

There is a mass L of workers of heterogeneous ability, indexed by z and distributed with

density µ(z). They choose to produce non-tradables or tradables. Non-tradables can be

produced at a uniform level of productivity by anyone employed in that sector. Tradables,

by contrast, make use of the underlying heterogeneity. A person’s productivity in tradables

is z(z, Zc), which is increasing in z and depends on the learning opportunities available

through interacting with others working in the tradable sector in that city, governed by Zc

(discussed below).

By comparative advantage, low-z people will specialize in producing non-tradables, which

make no use of the underlying heterogeneity, while high-z people will specialize in tradables.

Denote the marginal worker indi!erent between the two sectors as zm.

We choose units of output so that an individual’s productivity in non-tradable services

is unity. Since productivity in non-tradable services is independent of individual ability, the

total output of services in a city is equal to the mass of agents working in services, Ls,c. The

income of a non-tradables producer in city c is therefore ps,c.

2.2.2 Idea exchange and tradables productivity

Tradables producers can acquire knowledge to increase their productivity. They do this by

spending time interacting with other tradables producers in their city. Each person has

one unit of time that they divide between interacting and producing. Production depends

on own ability (z), time spent producing (#), time spent exchanging ideas (1 " #), the

productivity benefits of learning (A), and local learning opportunities (Zc). Exchanging

ideas is an economic decision, because time spent interacting (1 " #) trades o! with time

spent producing output directly (#). The tradables output of an agent of ability z is

z(z, Zc) = max"![0,1]

#z(1 + (1 " #)AZcz) (2)

A is a parameter common to all locations that indexes the scope for productivity gains

from interactions. When A is higher, conversations with other agents raise productivity


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (14)

more. Knowledge has both horizontal and vertical di!erentiation. Horizontal di!erentiation

implies that producers can learn something from anyone. Vertical di!erentiation means that

they learn more from more able counterparts.

Local learning opportunities Zc are the result of a random-matching process in which

producers devoting time to idea exchanges encounter other producers doing likewise. The

expected value of devoting a unit of time to idea exchange in a city is the probability of

encountering another individual times the expected ability of the individual encountered.

The probability of encountering a person during time spent seeking idea exchanges is

m(Mc), where Mc is the total time devoted to learning by producers in the city. m(·) is

an increasing function, with m(0) = 0 and m(#) = 1. Like Glaeser (1999), we assume

that face-to-face interactions occur with greater frequency in denser places, so that random

matches occur more often in the central business districts of larger cities. In our setting the

population of agents available for such encounters is determined endogenously by tradable

producers’ time-allocation choices.

The expected ability of the individual encountered is zc, the weighted average of the abil-

ities of producers participating in idea exchanges. The weights are the time agents devote to

interactions.16 Conditional on meeting another learner, the scope for gains from interactions,

and one’s own ability, conversations with more talented agents are more productive.

Thus, the value of local learning opportunities Zc reflects both a scale e!ect and an

average ability e!ect. Consider city c with population ability distribution µ(z, c). When

agents of ability z in city c devote 1 " #z,c of their time to exchanging ideas, the value of

idea exchange in city c is described by the following:

Zc = m(Mc)zc

Mc = L



(1 " #z,c)µ(z, c)dz

zc =



(1 " #z,c)z"z"zm

(1 " #z,c)µ(z, c)dzµ(z, c)dz (3)

This characterization of idea exchanges as mutually beneficial meetings in which each party is

both student and teacher follows Lucas (1988). The matching process that yields exchanges

16The expression for zc in equation (3) is not well defined when !z,c = 1 for all agents. We will definezc = 0 for the case in which no one invests in learning. This is not an average, of course, but it seems anappropriate definition that reflects the absence of opportunities to learn from others. The particular (finite)value assigned to zc when !z,c = 1 for all agents is immaterial, since m(0) = 0 and therefore Zc = 0.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (15)

means that a city’s population size and average ability both matter.

For an individual worker, the optimal time spent interacting is

1 " #z,c =


AZcz#1AZcz if AZcz $ 1

0 otherwise.

Conditional on the population in city c, which is described by the ability distribution

µ(z, c), the equilibrium value of local idea exchanges Zc is a fixed point defined by Zc =

m(Mc)zc, since individual choices of #z,c, which determine Mc and zc, depend on the city-

level Zc.

Of course, there is also an equilibrium in which Zc = 0, since no individual will allocate

time to interacting with others when there are no others with whom to interact. While the

no-learning equilibrium will not be the focus of our discussion, it does illustrate an important

aspect of the economic mechanisms. It underscores the fact that learning here is not manna

from heaven but the outcome of a costly allocation of time by those acquiring knowledge.

Thus, larger cities are better learning environments because, in equilibrium, they o!er a

higher frequency of face-to-face interactions with a more talented population of partners, as

we show below.

An individual allocates her time in order to maximize her income, so she solves the

maximization problem described in equation (2). The tradable output of type z in city c

with learning opportunities Zc is

z(z, Zc) =



$AZcz + 1

%2if AZcz $ 1

z otherwise. (4)

We have a few key conclusions. Tradables producers choose to engage other producers in

encounters from which they both learn. This learning takes time away from direct production

but maximizes their total output by raising their productivity. Time devoted to learning

by a tradables producer is increasing in the time devoted to idea exchange by others, the

scope for productivity gains from idea exchange, the average quality of other learners in that

location, and the producer’s own ability. Given this knowledge economy, we now characterize

the patterns of economic outcomes in spatial equilibrium.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (16)

2.3 Equilibrium

This section develops the conditions for equilibrium in our spatial knowledge economy. Con-

sumers optimally choose their city, occupation, and consumption. Tradables producers opti-

mally allocate their time between direct production and idea exchange. Prices clear markets

and the individual locational choices must be consistent with aggregate population mea-

sures. There are three types of equilibria: equilibria without idea exchange, equilibria with

symmetric cities, and equilibria with heterogeneous cities. The latter are stable, match

many empirical findings in the systems of cities literature, and will be our primary object of


An equilibrium for a population L with talent distribution µ(z) in a set of locations

{c} is a set of prices {ph,c, ps,c} and locational choices µ(z, c) such that workers optimize

and markets clear.17 Define the set of cities in which agents of ability z are found by

C(z) = {c : µ(z, c) > 0}. We can then write our equilibrium conditions as equations (5)

through (14).

Equations (5) and (6) are adding-up constraints for worker types and city populations.

µ(z) =&


µ(z, c) %z (5)

Lc = L

!µ(z, c)dz %c (6)

Equation (7) defines the land-market-clearing housing price within each city.

ph,c = !L!c %c (7)

Equation (8) equalizes demand and supply of non-tradable services within each location.

Ls,c = L



µ(z, c)dz = sLc %c (8)

The tradables market clears by Walras’ Law.

Equation (9) characterizes the value of potential idea exchanges in each city, Zc, which

depends on scale (Mc) and average ability (zc). Equation (10) characterizes the latter, the

17In this exposition, we define equilibrium where each member of the set {c} is populated, Lc > 0. Inappendix section A.2, we describe how the number of populated locations is endogenously determined whenthere are many potential city locations, not all of which must be populated.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (17)

time-weighted average ability of learners in each city.

Zc = m(Mc)zc = m'L



(1 " #z,c)µ(z, c)dz)(zc %c (9)

zc =

# "z"zm


(1#"z,c)µ(z,c)dzµ(z, c)dz if Mc > 0

0 otherwise%c (10)

Equations (11) through (14) describe agents’ optimal choices. Equation (11) says that

tradables producers allocate their time optimally between directly producing and exchanging

ideas. Equation (12) says that agents choose their occupations optimally so that the marginal

producer is indi!erent between the two sectors.

#z,c = arg max"![0,1]

#z(1 + (1 " #)AZcz) %z $ zm %c (11)

z(zm, Zc) = ps,c %c & C(zm) (12)

Equations (13) and (14) describe the prices consistent with spatial equilibrium. Equation

(13) says that non-tradables producers’ expenditure on tradables, which is their net income

after purchasing non-tradable services and housing, is equal across locations. Equation (14)

means that tradables producers are located in their most-preferred place.

(1 " s)ps,c " ph,c = (1 " s)ps,c" " ph,c" %c, c% (13)

C(z) = arg maxc

z(z, Zc) " sps,c " ph,c %z $ zm (14)

There are three classes of equilibria that satisfy equations (5) through (14): no-learning

equilibria in which all cities have identical aggregate characteristics; learning equilibria in

which some or all cities have identical aggregate characteristics; and learning equilibria with

heterogeneous cities.

In no-learning equilibria, no tradables producer devotes time to idea exchange because no

other tradables producer does, and Zc = 0 %c. Since z(z, 0) does not vary across locations, all

cities in which tradables are produced must have same prices for housing and non-tradables

to satisfy the spatial no-arbitrage conditions (13) and (14). By equation (7), therefore, all

populated cities are the same size.

The no-learning equilibrium is not of interest for two reasons. First, it is empirically ir-

relevant. There is considerable and systematic variation in cities’ populations. Second, it is


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (18)

not a stable equilibrium. Since exchanging ideas is a Pareto improvement (it raises produc-

tivity for all learners without lowering the productivity of any other agent), communication

or coordination among (a su"ciently large set of) tradables producers would facilitate its


The second type of equilibria are those in which learning occurs and some cities’ aggregate

characteristics are identical. Suppose that Lc = Lc" . Then, by equations (7) and (13),

housing prices and non-tradables prices are equal in these locations. Equation (14) requires

that Zc = Zc" . These cities are therefore identical in their populations, prices, and learning


Learning equilibria with symmetric cities are not of interest for the two reasons the no-

learning equilibrium is not. First, they are empirically irrelevant. Second, they are not stable.

When two cities’ learning environments di!er at all, higher-ability tradables producers are

drawn to the better learning environment. Thus, their movement reinforces initial di!erences

in learning opportunities and moves the system of cities towards the asymmetric equilibrium.

See appendix section A.3 for details.

Finally, there are equilibria with heterogeneous cities, our object of interest. Equilibria

with heterogeneous cities exhibit cross-city patterns that can be established independent of

the number of cities that arise.18 Equations (5) through (14) jointly imply that larger cities

have higher housing prices, higher non-tradables prices, exhibit better learning opportunities,

and are populated by more talented tradables producers.

To understand this logic, suppose that Zc varies across cities. Housing and service prices

(ph,c + ps,cs) must be higher in locations with higher Zc, lest all tradables producers prefer

those locations, in accordance with equation (14) and violating equation (8). Equation (13)

requires that locations with greater Zc and therefore greater ph,c + ps,cs have higher ps,c so

that non-tradables producers earn higher nominal incomes in locations with higher prices.

If ph,c were not higher in cities with higher ps,c, then these locations would attract all non-

tradables producers, so cities with better learning opportunities (Zc) have both higher ps,c

and higher ph,c, which means that they are more populous, by equation (7).

Because z(z, Zc) is supermodular in z and Zc, higher-z tradables producers gain more

from locating in high-Zc locations with higher prices. As a result, tradables producers sort

across cities in equilibria with heterogeneous cities. This sorting according to ability supports

18Since these patterns characterize all equilibria with heterogeneous cities, we do not address issues ofuniqueness.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (19)

equilibrium di!erences in Zc.19

If there are n locations with positive population and we label the cities by their size so

that L1 < L2 < · · · < Ln, then the stable-equilibria correspondence C(z) is increasing and

lower hemicontinuous for all z > zm. It is single-valued for all z > zm except for n " 1

“boundary values” of z, who are indi!erent between cities c and c + 1 because the benefit

from Zc+1 > Zc is o!set by the higher prices in c + 1.

We provide su"cient conditions for the existence of this equilibrium when n = 2 in

appendix section A.4. In short, the existence of an equilibrium with two heterogeneous

cities requires that congestion costs are su"ciently strong so that not everyone will locate

in a single city in equilibrium and that the potential productivity gains from idea exchanges

are su"ciently high that all tradables producers in the larger city will spend time learning

in equilibrium.

These equilibria with heterogeneous cities, our object of interest, are robust to perturba-

tion.20 They match the fundamental facts that cities di!er in size and these size di!erences

are accompanied by di!erences in wages, housing prices, and productivity (Glaeser, 2008).

Empirically, larger cities exhibit higher nominal wages in industries that produce tradable

goods, which means that productivity is higher in these locations (Moretti, 2011). Our

model of why larger cities generate more productivity-increasing idea exchanges is a micro-

founded explanation of these phenomena. Having matched these well-established facts, we

now describe the novel empirical implication that skill premia will be higher in larger cities.

2.4 The spatial pattern of skill premia

When cities are heterogeneous, equations (5) through (14) jointly imply that larger cities

have higher housing prices, higher non-tradables prices, exhibit better learning opportunities,

and are populated by more talented tradables producers. They also imply that skill premia

are higher in larger cities. Appendix section A.5 formally derives this prediction for a two-

city equilibrium when ability is distributed Pareto or uniform. This section uses numerical

examples to illustrate the economic mechanisms and logic of the novel prediction.

Figure 2 shows the nominal wage and utility outcomes for a particular parameterization

19Any microfoundations for Zc in which cities with a larger mass of more-talented tradables producersexhibit a higher endogenous value of Zc will support a sorting outcome. Supermodularity of z(z, Zc) issu"cient for sorting among tradables producers, since the prices they face do not vary with z.

20Applying the dynamic extension presented in appendix section A.3 shows that a small perturbation tothe asymmetric equilibrium will yield sorting that converges back to the same asymmetric equilibrium.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (20)

of our model in a two-city equilibrium.21 Worker ability, indexed by z, appears on the

horizontal axis. We assume here that ability is uniformly distributed. Since the spatial

allocation of non-tradables producers (z < zm) is indeterminate due to indi!erence, we order

them by ability only for ease of illustration.22 Tradables producers (z > zm) are sorted

according to ability because this maximizes their utility. zb is the ability of the tradables

producer who is indi!erent between the two cities. Since ability is uniformly distributed, the

width of the interval is proportional to city population.

Figure 2: Two-city equilibrium: Wages and utility

10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


Ability (z)



Nominal wage


Ls,1 Ls,2 Lt,1 Lt,2

The nominal wages of both tradables and non-tradables producers are higher in larger

cities. This matches the well-established empirical literature on the urban wage premium

(Glaeser and Mare, 2001; Glaeser and Gottlieb, 2009). For non-tradables producers, higher

nominal wages in larger cities may be thought of as compensation for higher housing prices

that keeps real wages constant across cities.

Tradables producers’ wages are higher in larger cities for three reasons. First, there is a

compositional e!ect. Since there is spatial sorting among tradables producers, those in larger

cities have higher innate abilities that generate higher incomes in any location. Second, there

is a learning e!ect. Since larger cities provide more valuable learning opportunities, idea

exchanges in larger cities yield larger productivity gains and thus higher nominal incomes

for tradables producers. Third, there is a compensation e!ect. Producers who are indi!erent

at the margin between two cities must have a wage gap that exactly matches the gap in non-

21See appendix section B for details of this parameterization.22See appendix section A.4 for the formal definition of this µ(z, c).


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (21)

tradables and housing prices between those cities. Among the skilled tradables producers,

this is a measure zero set that defines the boundary ability level zb. Among the unskilled

non-tradables producers, the compensation e!ect applies to all individuals, because their

homogeneity of productivity makes them all indi!erent across cities. Since higher-ability

agents earn higher incomes, the nominal wage di!erence between the two cities is a larger

proportion of the non-tradables producers’ incomes than that of the marginal tradables

producer zb.23

What do these outcomes imply for the spatial pattern of skill premia? We define a city’s

observed skill premium as its average tradables wage divided by its (average) non-tradables

wage ps,c.







In equilibria with heterogeneous cities, the cross-city pattern of skill premia depends

upon the compositional, learning, and compensation e!ects. The compositional and learning

e!ects yield higher nominal incomes for tradables producers in the larger city and a!ect all

tradables producers. Each of these e!ects raises the skill premium of the larger city relative to

the smaller city. The compensation e!ect lowers the skill premium in the larger city relative

to the smaller city. When the compositional and learning e!ects dominate the compensation

e!ect, the skill premium is higher in the larger city.

Figure 3 illustrates the pattern of wage premia for a four-city example.24 It compares

the incomes of tradables and non-tradables producers by placing the wage schedules on

a common horizontal axis. The ratio of the wage schedules gives the skill premium of

each tradables producer relative to the non-tradables producers in the same location. The

observed skill premium is the average of these observations in each location. The skill premia

curve steps down at the boundaries where tradables producers are indi!erent between two

locations, due to the compensation e!ect. The figure illustrates how the compositional and

learning e!ects that raise the skill premium, due to the di!erences in inframarginal tradables

23This compensation e!ect, which stems from non-homothetic preferences in which lower-income indi-viduals spend a larger fraction of their budget on non-tradables, is the basis for the prediction of Black,Kolesnikova, and Taylor (2009) that skill premia will be lower in cities with higher housing prices. It cannotexplain why skill premia are higher in larger cities, since larger cities generally have higher housing prices.

24See appendix section B for the parameter values underlying this example. Interval widths are propor-tionate to city populations.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (22)

producers’ abilities and the di!erences in the productivity gains arising from idea exchanges,

are greater than the compensation e!ect that lowers the skill premium. Here larger cities

exhibit higher skill premia.

Figure 3: Four-city equilibrium: Skill premia

10.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9






Tradables producer ability (z)

Unskilled wage

Skilled wageSkill premium

L1 L2 L3 L4

We can state the condition formally for a two-city asymmetric equilibrium. The skill

premium is higher in the larger city when:

R #zb

z2(z)µ(z)dzR #







R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb



The equilibrium pattern of skill premia depends on the distribution of abilities, µ(z). In

appendix section A.5, we show that this condition for skill premia to increase with city size

holds true in the two-city case for the Pareto distribution and provide su"cient conditions

for this inequality to hold for the uniform distribution.

To study the pattern of cross-city wage premia predicted by our model with an arbitrary

number of cities, we used numerical optimization to search the parameter values minimizing

the correlation between city sizes and skill premia when z ' U(0, 1) for equilibria with more

than two cities. The numerical results suggest that the premia-size correlation is minimized

by letting s ( 1 so that the mass of inframarginal tradables producers shrinks to zero and

the relative influence of the compensation e!ect is maximized. We did not find a set of

parameter values yielding an equilibrium in which the observed skill premia were not strictly


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (23)

increasing in city population. The prediction that skill premia are higher in larger cities

appears to be a robust feature of our model.

2.5 Outsourcing and migration in spatial equilibrium

In this section, we develop a model that explains key facts developed in section 1.3, notably

that skilled workers move more often and farther than unskilled workers. The challenge is to

explain the di!erential movement of skilled and unskilled although they are both perfectly

mobile. We do this in two steps.

The first step brings our model closer to an important feature of the data. Thus far,

we have abstracted from the fact that larger cities tend to have a higher ratio of skilled

to unskilled workers. We address this by introducing an additional task carried out by the

unskilled, assembly of final tradable output, which can be carried out locally or outsourced.

Producers in larger cities, where unskilled nominal wages are higher, outsource assembly

tasks. Outsourcing makes larger cities exhibit a higher skilled to unskilled ratio and will

enrich our model of migration.25

With this model of outsourcing in hand, our second step is to introduce a formal model

of migration of skilled and unskilled workers. In this model, the skilled will move both more

often and a greater distance on average than the unskilled even though both are perfectly

mobile. The intuition is simple. Skilled workers have a most-preferred city that best rewards

their skill, so they choose to move there. This gives rise to long-distance moves for many

of the skilled and simultaneous outflows and inflows of skilled workers from the same city.

The unskilled receive the same utility in all cities, so those who move only need seek the

nearest city with notional excess demand for their labor. Di!erential mobility and di!erential

movement are not the same. The empirical observation of di!erential migration rates can

be accounted for in a spatial-equilibrium framework.

2.5.1 Outsourcing

To this point, we have production of a single, competitively produced homogeneous tradable

good, so that this notionally tradable good is not in fact traded. We now introduce a richer

25If we take the limit as outsourcing goes to zero, our simple dynamic migration model has only migrationof the skilled. Obviously this implies that the skilled would move more than the unskilled. With outsourcingand the empirically relevant cross-city heterogeneity in skill composition, members of both labor groupsmigrate. Thus our result that the skilled move more often is shown to hold in this more realistic setting.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (24)

model of tradables production that amends this in interesting ways. Heretofore, tradables

producers have been unable to fragment their production process across locations because

each producer is self-employed in her residential location. Self-employment also collapses

the distinction between a worker and a firm. Assuming that all of a firm’s activities take

place in a single location is plausible when all elements of production depend upon face-to-

face information exchange. But new communication technologies increasingly facilitate the

separation of knowledge-intensive headquarters activities from some production-plant-level


We thus amend tradables production to add a second task, assembly of the output.

Assembly requires l < 1 " s units of homogeneous labor of the same type that produces

non-tradable services. Each tradables producer z $ zm must therefore incur the additional

production cost l · ps,c when assembling output in city c.27

Tradables firms may pay a fixed cost fa to establish an assembly plant using homogeneous

labor in a location other than where the firm is headquartered. The net benefit to a tradables

producer located in city c of outsourcing assembly to city c% is l(ps,c " ps,c") " fa. Thus,

tradables producers in a large, high-z city will outsource assembly to the smaller, lower-z

city if the gap in assembly prices is su"ciently large. Such outsourcing raises the relative skill

level of larger cities by shifting unskilled assembly activities to smaller cities and attracting

more tradables producers to larger cities to benefit from idea exchange. Thus, larger cities

become sites of human-capital-intensive activities that are home to more skilled populations.

To formalize this, we define an assembly assignment function $(c, c%), which describes the

fraction of assembly tasks for firms headquartered in c that are performed in c%.28 The equi-

librium conditions for tradables production require that the assembly location assignments

minimize assembly costs, labor markets clear, and that tradables producers take assembly

26Duranton and Puga (2005) study the fragmentation of production in a model with homogeneous workersand exogenously assigned occupations. Fujita and Thisse (2006) study how trade costs and communicationcosts determine this fragmentation of production in a setting with homogeneous firms and two worker types.

27In assuming that each tradables producer requires l units for assembly regardless of z(z, Zc), we areassuming that the greater revenues accruing to higher-z producers are due to selling higher-quality productsrather than greater quantities. This is the simplest conceivable assembly process.

28The optimal choice of assembly location is orthogonal to producer ability, so "(c, c") is independent ofz. While the location of production is discretely chosen by each tradables producer, there is a continuum ofthem, so " may be a fraction.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (25)

costs into account when choosing their headquarters location.

{$(c, c%)} & arg min{#(c,x)}



$(c, x)ps,x "&


$(c, x)fa s.t.&


$(c, x) = 1 (15)

Ls,c = L



µ(z, c)dz = sLc + l&


$(c%, c)L



µ(z, c%)dz (8’)

C(z) = arg maxc

z(z, Zc) " sps,c " ph,c " l&


$(c, c%)ps,c" "&

c" &=c

$(c, c%)fa %z $ zm (14’)

The rest of the equilibrium conditions are unchanged.

In the absence of outsourcing, the skilled share of each city’s population was 1 " s and

therefore independent of city size. When tradables production incorporates a task that may

be outsourced and does not benefit from physical proximity to better learning opportunities,

larger cities with higher local prices will outsource those tasks to smaller cities with lower

local prices. This means that the skilled population share is increasing in city size, matching

the empirical tendency. The strength of this relationship depends on the fragmentation cost

fa and the relative magnitudes of l and s.

Many believe that fragmentation costs have fallen substantially in recent decades (Du-

ranton and Puga, 2005). Our model predicts that this will trigger outsourcing of assembly

tasks and generate a positive correlation between cities’ skilled population share and total

population. Since larger cities exhibit higher nominal skill premia in our model, outsourcing

generates a positive correlation between skill premia and skill shares.

2.5.2 Migration in the outsourcing model

As noted earlier, influential models in the spatial literature assume that skilled workers are

mobile while unskilled workers are not, justifying this on the basis that empirically skilled

workers move more frequently than unskilled workers. Thus the challenge we take up in this

section is to develop a very simple dynamic extension in which all agents are (essentially)

perfectly mobile but skilled workers move more frequently than unskilled workers. With

modest additional assumptions, we can develop an additional prediction. Not only will

skilled workers move more frequently than unskilled workers, but they will also typically

move a greater distance, a prediction that also finds support in the data.

Consider first a 2-city system with spatial sorting and outsourcing of unskilled assembly

as described above, in which city 2 is larger and more skilled. Assume that each period a


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (26)

fraction % of the population in each city simultaneously gives birth to a succeeding child

and dies. There is no saving, accumulation of capital, or other intertemporal economic

interaction, and the total population size is time-invariant. A fraction 1"& of the newborns

inherit the same z as their parent and a fraction & of the newborns have their type distributed

according to µ(z). This makes the aggregate talent distribution time-invariant and so the

full equilibrium is unchanged. We assume there are positive but arbitrarily small costs of

movement, so that gross migration is the minimum necessary to achieve the equilibrium

population allocation.

Will agents migrate? Consider first those born in city 2, the relatively “skilled city.”

Newborns with talent z & (zb, 1) will stay in the skilled city. Newborns with talent z &(zm, zb) will migrate to the unskilled city. Some agents with talent z ) zm (newborn or not)

have reason to migrate to the unskilled city because the larger city’s outsourcing-induced

lower unskilled share (Ls,2

L2< Ls,1

L1) means that the fraction of newborns with talent z ) zm

there exceeds the equilibrium fraction. Conversely, there will be net migration of tradables

producers to the skilled city from the unskilled city.

Gross skilled (z $ zm) migration exceeds net skilled migration, which equals gross un-

skilled (z ) zm) migration. This therefore provides an endogenous, economic reason for the

greater movement of more-educated workers. There are two-way flows of skilled workers and

a one-way flow of unskilled workers, with the net flows of the skilled matching the gross

flows of the unskilled. Provided that less than half the population is skilled, this matches

the empirical regularity that more skilled workers move more frequently as a consequence

of the equilibrium allocation of talent, rather than an assumption that less-skilled workers

are immobile. It also matches empirical work suggesting that movement reflects di!erential

returns to skills (Borjas, Bronars, and Trejo, 1992; Dahl, 2002).

This insight generalizes to an n-city setting, and the proof is simple. The economy-wide

skill distribution is invariant across time, so any initial equilibrium is also an equilibrium in

later periods. We focus on this equilibrium. For each city, there will be a mismatch between

the %&Lc newborns each period whose characteristics are orthogonal to those of their parents

and their parents’ characteristics. This di!erence represents the net migration o!er of city

c to all other cities in the system. Note that newborns whose z determines they will work

as skilled workers in tradables have (except for a measure zero set) a unique city to which

they must move, while as of yet we have not determined the exact patterns of flows of the

unskilled, although we consider the case of arbitrarily small costs of migration to rule out


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (27)

cross-hauling of unskilled migrants.

It is convenient to define two groups of cities. Let CX be the set of cities that are exporters

of unskilled migrants and CM be the set of cities that are importers of unskilled migrants

(gross and net being the same due to the absence of cross-hauling of the unskilled). Since

each individual city has zero change in total population, that is also true of any partition

of the set of cities. Thus exports of unskilled migrants from CX to CM must be exactly

matched by net imports of skilled migrants in the reverse direction.

Note that all exports of the unskilled must move from CX to CM as a matter of definition.

But these cannot be the only exports of migrants from CX to CM ; there are also skilled

workers unique to cities in CM who travel that direction. Thus exports of workers from

CX to CM are comprised of all the unskilled who move plus some skilled. The volume of

exports the reverse direction, by balanced migration, must equal this sum. All of these are

skilled. Thus we already have that the majority of migrants between cities in CX and CM

are skilled. We need to add in the migrants among the cities of CX and CM , respectively. All

of these are skilled as well, since the arbitrarily small migration costs prevent cross-hauling

of unskilled migrants. Hence, we can claim, a fortiori, that the skilled will be the majority

of migrants. So long as the skilled are less than half the labor force, this su"ces to show

that the fraction of migrants is higher among the skilled than unskilled, the first fact that

we wanted to explain.

Moreover, the n-city framework also allows us to make a novel prediction – not only will

the skilled move more often but they will typically move a greater distance. Again, the logic

is simple. With arbitrarily small positive trade costs, the skilled move to their most preferred

city. Movements of the unskilled can be considered the solution to a linear programming

problem that minimizes the total distance moved of the unskilled while matching net o!ers

of unskilled by cities (cf. Dorfman, Samuelson, and Solow 1958). Appendix section A.6

formalizes the result that skilled individuals will migrate greater distances on average.

The model of migration we have developed here is surely special in a number of di-

mensions. This notwithstanding, we believe that there is a deeper logic at work here that

is consistent with our story of spatial equilibrium.29 Skilled workers find employment in

tasks that make considerable use of heterogeneity, which motivates more spatially extensive

29An older, empirical literature on di!erential migration by education suggested broader geographic labormarkets for higher skilled workers without explaining their economic foundations (Long, 1973; Frey, 1979;Frey and Liaw, 2005).


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (28)

searches. Less skilled workers find employment in tasks that make little use of heterogeneity,

which induces less spatial searching. Both the frequency and distance of moves reflect this.

3 Conclusion

The productivity of modern cities depends crucially on their role as loci for idea exchange.

Consideration of idea exchange naturally invites an examination of labor heterogeneity, since

this a!ects both the opportunities to learn and the capability of learners. Everyone would

like to be where learning opportunities are greatest. But the best learners are those most able

to take advantage of these opportunities and so most willing to pay for them. In our model,

the broad desire to access the best learning opportunities induces di!erences in city sizes and

housing prices. The higher willingness of the most skilled to pay these prices induces sorting

among learners. In larger cities, they exchange ideas more frequently with more people whose

average ability is higher. Individuals producing non-tradables don’t participate in these idea

exchanges, but they are drawn to larger cities by higher nominal wages, which compensate

them for higher housing prices. Marginal tradables producers in larger cities also receive

this nominal wage compensation for higher prices. But wages are also higher in larger cities

for skilled workers because they have higher abilities and spend more time exchanging ideas

that further raise their productivity. These combined e!ects insure that the skill premium

also rises with city size.

This paper presents the first system of cities model in which costly idea exchange is the

agglomeration force. Our emphasis on the costly and optimal allocation of e!ort to idea

exchange is designed to overcome the “black box” critique that has inhibited research in this

crucial area. An important payo! is that we provide the first spatial-equilibrium account of

why the skill premium is rising with city size. This is a first-order, robust feature of the data

that does not emerge from the traditional neoclassical frameworks. We also provide the first

spatial-equilibrium account of how variation in skill premia may arise from symmetric spatial

fundamentals. We do this in a framework that also replicates a broad set of established facts

about the cross section of cities.

We derive these results in a very parsimonious framework. Labor is the sole factor of

production and is heterogeneous in a single dimension. There are two goods, tradables and

non-tradables. Housing acts as a simple dispersion force. Idea exchanges are local and

depend on the scale and average ability of learners. These few assumptions cause cities


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (29)

to vary in size and larger cities to have better learning environments, higher wages, higher

productivity, higher housing prices, and higher skill premia – all prominent features in the


We extend the model to consider outsourcing and cross-city migration. These are impor-

tant phenomena in their own right. They also allow us to provide an endogenous, spatial-

equilibrium explanation for the di!erential movement of skilled and unskilled workers. This

contrast with previous work highlights the sharp distinction between di!erential mobility

as an assumption and di!erential movement as an outcome of economic choices. Long-run

models of the spatial distribution of economic activity should take the latter path.

Our approach is quite flexible and invites a number of extensions. One would be to

introduce a richer model of the internal structure of the city. A second would be to consider

both the incentives for information exchange and some of the disincentives, given exchanges

may also be with competitors. A third would be to integrate our model with both new

economic geography concerns with product di!erentiation and imperfect competition, as

well as the literature on labor market pooling. We are confident that hybrids will provide

interesting perspectives on the interaction of elements from the respective frameworks.


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A Theory

A.1 Internal urban structure

To introduce congestion costs, we follow Behrens, Duranton, and Robert-Nicoud (2010) and

adopt a standard, highly stylized model of cities’ internal structure.30 City residences of unit

size are located on a line and center around a single point where economic activities occur,

called the central business district (CBD). Residents commute to the CBD at a cost that

is denoted in units of the numeraire. The cost of commuting from a distance x is 'x! and

independent of the resident’s income and occupation.

Agents choose a residential location x to minimize the sum of land rent and commuting

cost, r(x) + 'x!. In equilibrium, agents are indi!erent across residential locations. In a city

with population mass L, the rents fulfilling this indi!erence condition are r(x) = r$





%!"'x! for 0 ) x ) L2 . Normalizing rents at the edge to zero yields r(x) = '



The city’s total land rent is


! L2


r(x)dx = 2

! L2

r(x)dx = 2'




" 1

" + 1





" + 1




The city’s total commuting cost is

TCC = 2

! L2

'x!dx =2'

" + 1




* !L!+1

The city’s total land rents are lump-sum redistributed equally to all city residents. Since

they each receive TLRL , every resident pays the average commuting cost, TCC

L = !L!, as her

net urban cost. Since this urban cost is proportionate to the average land rent, we say the

“consumer price of housing” in city c is ph,c = !L!c .

A.2 The number of cities

In section 2.3, we defined equilibrium for a set of locations {c} in which each member of

the set is populated, Lc > 0. Here we describe how the equilibrium number of cities is

determined when there are an arbitrary number of potential city sites, some of which are

30There is nothing original in this urban structure. We use notation identical to, and taken from, Behrens,Duranton, and Robert-Nicoud (2010).


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (36)

unpopulated in equilibrium.

Consider a potential city site that is unoccupied. The modern technologies employed

require specialization, so individuals cannot divide their time between producing tradables

and non-tradables. Since non-tradables are a necessity, an individual living in isolation will

produce only non-tradables. Thus, an individual moving to an empty location would engage

in subsistence production of non-tradables, consume free housing, and obtain utility of zero.

Unless all non-tradables producers consume zero tradables (ps,c = ph,c

1#s %c : Lc > 0),

non-tradables producers living in cities obtain strictly positive utility. Therefore the entire

population lives in a finite number of cities. Accommodating an arbitrary set of locations

{c} that includes uninhabited places (Lc = 0) only requires modifying one equation. When

there are potentially empty locations, the spatial-equilibrium indi!erence condition 13 only

applies to occupied locations. The equilibrium condition is thus

(1 " s)ps,c " ph,c = (1 " s)ps,c" " ph,c" %c, c% : Lc > 0, Lc" > 0 (13’)

There may be multiple equilibria satisfying equations (5) through (12), (13’), and (14)

that have di!erent numbers of cities. We see no theoretical reason to believe that the

equilibrium number of populated cities should be unique for a given set of parameters. The

qualitative, cross-city predictions of the model do not depend upon the equilibrium number

of cities. The particulars of our numerical examples do, of course.

When there are tradables producers who do not spend time learning, it is welfare-

maximizing for the population of non-learning tradables producers and a corresponding

fraction of the non-tradables producers to reside in every potential location, since this min-

imizes congestion costs and there are no agglomeration benefits for non-learners. Particular

assumptions about city developers, a la Henderson (1974), would ensure that this outcome

would occur in equilibrium, but we do not consider these issues to be crucial to the topics

we explore in this paper.

A.3 Stability of equilibria

In this section, we describe the instability of equilibria in which there are symmetric cities

with the same population size and learning opportunities. For simplicity, consider a two-

city symmetric equilibrium in which initially L1 = L2 and Z1 = Z2 > 0. Since sorting

among tradables producers distinguishes equilibria with symmetric cities from equilibria


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (37)

with heterogeneous cities and since in all equilibria non-tradables producers are indi!erent

across all locations, we simplify the discussion by assuming that s1#s individuals of ability

z < zm move locations whenever individuals of ability z > zm move locations. We now

introduce a simple dynamic process for the locational choices of tradables producers that

demonstrates that equilibria with symmetric cities are unstable.

Suppose that there is a shock to the symmetric equilibrium such that L1 += L2 and

Z1 += Z2 but we are in the neighborhood of L1 = L2 and Z1 = Z2. Without loss of generality,

let Z2 > Z1. By the supermodularity of z(z, Zc), the net benefit of locating in city 2 relative

to city 1 (z(z, Z2) " z(z, Z1) " $1#s(L

!2 " L!

1)) is increasing in z.

Individuals move according to the myopic net benefits of changing locations. The resi-

dents of each city have the opportunity to move, and we alternate between the two cities ad

infinitum. Without loss of generality, individuals located in city 1 consider moving, followed

by individuals located in city 2, followed by individuals now located in city 1, and so forth.

We now assume that locational changes are ordered according to the net benefits of changing

locations. That is, the tradables producers who have the most to gain from moving move

first. Tradables producers take full account of the changes in cities’ economic characteristics

induced by those who have moved before them and are completely myopic with respect to

future changes.

Suppose that the highest ability tradables producer in city 1 has a positive net benefit

of moving to city 2.31 By supermodularity of z(z, Zc), this producer has the most to gain

by relocating to city 2. Since we start from a symmetric equilibrium, this move raises Z2

and L2 and lowers Z1 and L1.32 The ordering of the net benefit of locating in city 2 relative

to city 1 is unchanged by these outcomes. If the net benefit is positive for the (remaining)

highest ability tradables producer located in city 1, that producer relocates. This process

continues until the net benefit for the highest ability tradables producer is zero.33 At this

point, all the individuals located in city 1 wish to remain in city 1. We know that L2 > L1

because individuals have moved from city 1 to city 2, and we know that Z2 > Z1 because

the net benefit is zero for the last mover.

Next, individuals in city 2 have the opportunity to relocate to city 1. If there is a tradables

31If not, then no individual in city 1 moves. In the next step, individuals in city 2 have the opportunityto move.

32Since we are in the neighborhood of Z1 = Z2 and Zc = m(Mc)zc where zc is a weighted average ofproducers’ abilities and m(·) ) 1, the highest ability producer in city 1 must have ability z > Z1 , Z2.

33Such a producer exists so long as not everyone wishes to locate in a single city. We provide su"cientconditions on parameters such that a two-city asymmetric equilibrium exists in section A.4.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (38)

producer in city 2 with ability z lower than the ability of the highest-z tradables producer in

city 1, then the lowest-z tradables producer in city 2 has a positive net benefit of relocating

to city 1. This movement is followed by subsequent movements until we reach a tradables

producer in city 2 who is indi!erent between the two locations. We know that we reach

the indi!erent producer while L2 > L1 because Z2 > Z1. At this point, all the individuals

located in city 2 wish to remain in city 2.

Next, individuals in city 1 have the opportunity to relocate. If there is a tradables

producer in city 1 with ability z greater than the ability of the lowest-z tradables producer in

city 2, then the highest-z tradables producer in city 1 has a positive net benefit of relocating

to city 2. This process continues ad infinitum until the ability of the lowest-z tradables

producers in city 2 is equal to the ability of the highest-z tradables producer in city 1. At

that point, no tradables producers wish to move and we have obtained an equilibrium with

heterogeneous cities.

A.4 Existence of two-city asymmetric equilibrium

Here we characterize su"cient conditions for parameter values such that there exists a two-

city equilibrium in which L1 < L2. Since the two cities di!er in size, any equilibrium will

exhibit sorting among tradables producers z $ zm. The allocation of non-tradables producers

z < zm is both indeterminate and inessential. zm is given by s =" zm

0 µ(z)dz.

We start by guessing L1 ) 12L, which implies L2 = L " L1. Define the values zb and zb,s


(1 " s)L1 = L

! zb


µ(z)dz sL1 = L

! zb,s


The locational assignments

µ(z, 1) =



µ(z) 0 ) z < zb,s

0 zb,s ) z < zm

µ(z) zm ) z < zb

0 zb ) z

µ(z, 2) =



0 0 ) z < zb,s

µ(z) zb,s ) z < zm

0 zm ) z < zb

µ(z) zb ) z

satisfy equations (5), (6), and (8). We then suppose equations (7) and (9) through (13) hold

true, where Mc > 0 if there is a value of Mc > 0 satisfying those equations.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (39)

If all tradables producers are in their optimal location, so that equation (14) is satisfied,

then the value of L1 that we guessed supports an asymmetric equilibrium. To check whether

this holds, we define an expression #(L1) that is utility in the smaller city minus utility in

the larger city for the marginal tradables producer, zb.

#(L1) *!

1 " s


2 " L!1) " (z(zb, Zc(zb, 1)) " z(zb, Zc(zm, zb)))

where, in an abuse of notation, Zc(x, y) is the maximum value of Zc satisfying equation (10)

when x and y are the lower and upper limits of integration and µ(z, c) = µ(z). # can be

written solely as a function of L1 because all the other variables in a sorting equilibrium

are given by L1 via zb,s and zb through the locational assignments and other equilibrium

conditions. The marginal tradables producer is indi!erent between the two locations when

#(L1) = 0, and all the inframarginal tradables producers are in their optimal locations by

the supermodularity of z in z and Zc.

In an asymmetric equilibrium, learning must occur in the larger city and all tradables

producers located in the larger city must participate in learning. Otherwise, they would raise

their utility by locating in the smaller city with lower local prices. A su"cient condition for

full-participation learning to occur in the larger city in equilibrium is to assume a value of A

and functional form m(·) such that full-participation learning occurs in the larger city for all

potential values of zb. That is, let A be su"ciently large and m(·) approach one su"ciently

quickly that -Z2 > 0 satisfying equations (16) through (19) for all L1 : 0 < L1 < 12L.

Z2 = m(M2)z2 (16)

M2 = L

! '


(1 " #z,2)µ(z)dz (17)

z2 =

! '


(1 " #z,2)µ(z)" 'zb

(1 " #z,2)µ(z)dzdz (18)

#z,2 = arg max"![0,1]

#z(1 + (1 " #)AZ2z) (19)



%< 0, since the cities are equally sized, equalizing housing and non-tradable services

prices, but they di!er in Zc, with Z2 > Z1.

We require limL1(0 #(L1) > 0, so that the entire population does not live in a single city in

equilibrium. This requires $1#sL

! > z(zm, Zc(zm, 1))" z(zm, Zc(zm, zm)) = z(zm, Zc(zm, 1))"zm. In words, provided that congestion costs are su"ciently strong relative to idea-exchange


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (40)

benefits, the second location will not be empty.

With limL1(0 #(L1) > 0 and #$


%< 0, continuity delivers the existence of a L1 such

that #(L1) = 0. We now describe where # is continuous and why its discontinuities are not

a problem.

#(L1) *!

1 " s


2 " L!1) " (z(zb, Zc(zb, 1)) " z(zb, Zc(zm, zb)))



2 " L!1) is obviously continuous in L1.

We assume that µ(z) is continuous in z. Since #z,c is a function of Zc, and Mc and zc

are functions of #z,c, the equilibrium value of Zc satisfying equations (9) through (11) is

where the function m(Mc)zc intersects the 45-degree line. Since #z,c is continuous in Zc, and

Mc and zc are continuous in Zc and zb, m(Mc)zc is continuous in Zc and zb. This means

that Z2(zb, 1) is a continuous function of L1. z(z, Zc) is continuous in its arguments. Thus,

z(zb, Zc(zb, 1)) is continuous in L1.

Figure 4: Finding the fixed points of Z1(zm, zb)

10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9











z b = .6

zb = .7zb = .8zb = .9


Note: z ' U(0, 1), A = 6, zm = .5, m(Mc) = exp(30Mc)#1exp(30Mc)

, L = 2

Z1(zm, zb) is (weakly) increasing in L1. Z1(zm, zb) is not continuous in L1. For su"ciently

small values of L1, there is no value of Z1 > 0 satisfying equations (9) through (11). The

smaller size and lower abilities of the smaller city’s population rule out an equilibrium with

idea exchange. When L1 becomes su"ciently large that there is a value of Z1 satisfying


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (41)

equations (9) through (11), there is a discontinuous increase in Z1(zm, zb) at this point

because the maximum value of Z1 given the population jumps from zero to a positive number.

This causes a discontinuous increase in # at this value of L1. Z1(zm, zb) is continuous in L1

for greater values of L1 by the continuity of #c,z, Mc, and zc in zb, Z1, and L1. An example

of how these fixed points vary with zb (which is determined by L1) is illustrated in Figure 4.

If Z1(zm, zb) = 0 %L1 & (0, 12L), then Z1 is continuous in L1 and # is continuous in L1.

If Z1 > 0 for some L1 & (0, 12L), then Z1(zm, zb) and # discontinuously increase at one value

of L1 and are continuous everywhere else in (0, 12L).

Since limL1(0 #(L1) > 0, #$


%< 0, and # increases at any point at which # is not

continuous in L1, there exists a value of L1 such that #(L1) = 0. Two examples of this are

illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5: -L1 : #(L1) = 0

10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9













A = 5

A = 7

Note: z ' U(0, 1), s = .5, # = .25, $ = .5, m(Mc) = exp(30Mc)#1exp(30Mc)

, L = 2

In summary, the existence of an equilibrium with two heterogeneous cities requires that

congestion costs are su"ciently strong so that not everyone will locate in a single city in

equilibrium and that the potential productivity gains from idea exchanges are su"ciently

high that everyone in the larger city will spend time learning in equilibrium. We have

formalized su"cient conditions for these outcomes as ! and s taking values such that $1#sL

! >

z(zm, Zc(zm, 1))"zm and A be su"ciently high and m(·) approaching one su"ciently quickly

that - Z2 > 0 satisfying equations (16) through (19) for all L1 : 0 < L1 < 12L.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (42)

A.5 Skill premia in a two-city equilibrium

A.5.1 Pareto distribution

In an asymmetric two-city equilibrium with z distributed Pareto, µ(z) = kbk

zk+1 with k > 1,

the skill premium in the larger city is higher when

R #zb

z2(z)µ(z)dzR #



R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb



R #zb

z2(z)µ(z)dzR #


R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb




We now show that this condition is always true. In steps:

1. Because z2(z) is increasing in z, for any z $ zb the following inequality holds:

R zzb

z2(z)µ(z)dzR z


R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb



R #zb

z2(z)µ(z)dzR #


R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb


2. Define a change of variables by f(z) =$z#k

b + z#k " z#km

%$1k and z =


b " z#km


such that" z

zbz2(z)µ(z)dz =

" zb

zmz2(f(z))µ(f(z))f %(z)dz. By construction µ(z) = µ(f(z))f %(z).

3. z2(f(zm))z1(zm) = z2(zb)

ps,1> ps,2

ps,1because z2(zb) > ps,2.

4. z2(f(z))z1(z) is increasing in z, so z2(f(z)) > ps,2

ps,1z1(z) %z & (zm, zb).

5. Multiplying by µ(z)and integrating yields" zb

zmz2(f(z))µ(z)dz > ps,2


" zb


ThusR zb


R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dz> ps,2


R zbzm

z2(f(z))µ(z)dzR zb



R zbzm z2(f(z))µ(f(z))f "(z)dz

R zbzm µ(f(z))f "(z)dzR zbzm z1(z)µ(z)dz

R zbzm µ(z)dz

> ps,2


6. Therefore,

R #zb

z2(z)µ(z)dzR #


R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb



R zzb

z2(z)µ(z)dzR z


R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb



R zbzm

z2(f(z))µ(f(z))f "(z)dzR zb

zmµ(f(z))f "(z)dz

R zbzm

z1(z)µ(z)dzR zb





(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (43)

Only the fourth step ( z2(f(z))z1(z) is increasing in z) requires further elaboration.



' z2(f(z))




"(z) " z2(f(z))z




c(z) =1

2(AZcz + 1)

zc(z) =1






' z2(f(z))







1(z)(' z


Z1f %(z) " z








1(z)(' f %(z)

Z1" 1

Z21 23 4>0

+ A(f %(z)z " f(z))1 23 4>0


Those inequalities are true because

f(z) =$z#k

b + z#k " z#km


f %(z) =$z#k

b + z#k " z#km

%$1$kk z#1#k


*1 +

z#k " z#km


+$1$kk 'zb


(k+1> 1

f %(z)z " f(z) = f(z)


m " z#kb

z#kb " z#k

m + z#k

+> 0

A.5.2 Uniform distribution

In an asymmetric two-city equilibrium with z ' U(z, z), the skill premium in the larger city

is higher when

R zzb

z2(z) 1z$z dz

R zzb

1z$z dz


R zbzm

z1(z) 1z$z dz

R zbzm

1z$z dz

ps,1./ zb " zm

z " zb

" z


" zb




A su"cient condition for this to be true in equilibrium is zm > z2b . In steps:

1. By change of variable," z

zbz2(z)dz =

" zb

zmz2(f(z))f %(z)dz, where f(z) = zb + z#zb

zb#zm(z "

zm). Therefore" zb

zmz2(f(z))dz = 1

f "(z)

" z

zbz2(z)dz = zb#zm


" z


2. z2(f(zm))z1(zm) = z2(zb)

ps,1> ps,2


3. If zzm > z2b , then z2(f(z))

z1(z) is increasing in z, so z2(f(z)) > ps,2

ps,1z1(z) %z & (zm, zb).


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (44)

4. Integrating," zb

zmz2(f(z))dz > ps,2


" zb


5. Therefore,R zb


R zbzm

z1(z)dz= zb#zm


R zzb

z2(z)dzR zb


> ps,2

ps,1. The skill premium is higher in the

larger city.

zzm > z2b is su"cient for the third step because



' z2(f(z))







1(z)(' f %(z)

Z1" 1

Z21 23 4>0

+A(f %(z)z " f(z))(

f %(z) =z " zb

zb " zm> 1

zzm > z2b / f %(z)z " f(z) > 0 / d


' z2(f(z))


(> 0

zzm > z2b is far from necessary. In fact, when it fails is when zb is relatively large,

which means that the two cities are relatively similar in size. But this similarity in size

causes a similarity in housing prices, which diminishes the compensation e!ect relative to

the compositional and learning e!ects. We have not found a set of parameter values yielding

a two-city equilibrium in which the skill premium is lower in the larger city.

A.6 Migration and distance

Here we characterize migration flows for a special case of the outsourcing model and show

that they imply that the average migration of non-tradables producers will be shorter than

that of tradables producers. Suppose that there are n cities in equilibrium, with ns “skilled

cities” outsourcing their assembly activities to nu “unskilled cities”, such that ns + nu = n.

Denote the set of skilled cities by Cs and the set of unskilled cities by Cu. We denote gross

migration flows of the unskilled from city c to c% by xc,c" and gross migration flows of the

skilled by yc,c" . The cost of migrating from c to c% is arbitrarily small and proportionate to

the distance between the cities, d(c, c%) = d(c%, c).

Denote the lowest ability tradables producers in the skilled cities by zb,1. With arbitrarily

small migration costs, newborn tradables producers of ability z $ zb,1 whose ability lies

outside the skill interval of their birthplace migrate to their unique destination. Tradables

producers of ability zm ) z ) zb,1 born in skilled cities migrate to the unskilled cities in

order to support the steady-state population levels while minimizing migration costs. Some


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (45)

workers who do not produce tradables migrate from skilled cities to unskilled cities in order

to support the steady-state population levels while minimizing migration costs.

If the bilateral distances between cities are orthogonal to their population characteristics

and nu > 1, then the expected migratory distance of tradables producers (z $ zm) exceeds

the expected migratory distance of unskilled workers (z ) zm). Gross migratory flows of the

unskilled are arranged so as to minimize migration costs, while only a fractionR zb,1

zm µ(z)dzR #zm


gross flows of tradables producers are arranged to minimize migration costs.

By optimal choices of outsourcing destinations, unskilled cities exhibit identical prices

and total population. Suppose that they also have identical ratios of tradables producer

population to total population,L

R #zm


Lc. The gross migratory flows of unskilled workers

and tradables producers of ability zm ) z ) zb,1 solve






xc",cd(c%, c) subject to&


xc",c =1




Lc"%&l %c






yc",cd(c%, c) subject to&


yc",c =1





! zb,1


µ(z)dz %c

Denote the optimal solutions x) and y). Due to linearity, the optimal solutions are

proportionate to each other. Denote the fraction wc =

R #zb,1

µ(z,c)dzR #



The average distance migrated by unskilled individuals to city c is





d(c%, c)

The average distance migrated by unskilled individuals is









d(c%, c)

The average distance migrated by skilled individuals to city c & Cu is





" zb,1


d(c%, c)


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (46)

The average distance migrated by skilled individuals is

" zb,1

zmµ(z, c)dz

" 'zm










" zb,1


d(c%, c) +

" 'zb,1

µ(z, c)dz" '






wcwc"d(c%, c)

If the bilateral distances between cities are orthogonal to their other characteristics, then

by the optimality of x) the following inequality holds:







d(c%, c) )&




wcwc"d(c%, c)

Then, because x) is proportionate to y),

" zb,1

zmµ(z, c)dz

" 'zm








" zb,1


d(c%, c) +

" 'zb,1

µ(z, c)dz" '






wcwc"d(c%, c) $







d(c%, c)

The expected average distance migrated by a skilled individual is greater than the expected

average distance migrated by an unskilled individual.

B Parameterization

Parameterizing the model means picking a function m(·), a distribution µ(z), and values

for A, s, !, ", and L. In the parameterizations we present in this paper, we use m(Mc) =exp(%Mc)#1exp(%Mc)

with ( = 30. We choose µ(z) = 1 when 0 ) z ) 1, so that z ' U(0, 1). There is

no assembly or outsourcing (l = 0), and we do not address life-cycle migration.

To produce the two-city wage schedule in Figure 2, we chose A = 6, s = .5, ! = .25, " =

.5, L = 2. To produce the four-city wage schedule in Figure 3, we chose A = 6, s = .5, ! =

.3, " = .3, L = 4.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (47)

C Data and estimates

C.1 Data description

Data sources: Our population data are from the US Census website (1990, 2000, 2007). Our

data on individuals’ wages, education, demographics, and housing costs come from public-

use samples of the decennial US Census and the annual American Community Survey made

available by IPUMS-USA (Ruggles, Alexander, Genadek, Goeken, Schroeder, and Sobek,

2010). We use the 1990 5%, and 2000 5% Census samples and the 2005-2007 American

Community Survey 3-year sample. We use the 2005-2007 ACS data because ACS data from

2008 onwards only report weeks worked in intervals.

Wages: We exclude observation missing the age, education, or wage income variables.

We study individuals who report their highest educational attainment as a high-school

diploma or GED or a bachelor’s degree and are between ages 25 and 55. We study full-

time, full-year employees, defined as individuals who work at least 40 weeks during the year

and usually work at least 35 hours per work. We obtain weekly and hourly wages by divid-

ing salary and wage income by weeks worked during the year and weeks worked times usual

hours per week. Following Acemoglu and Autor (2011), we exclude observations reporting

an hourly wage below $1.675 per hour in 1982 dollars, using the GDP PCE deflator. We

define potential work experience as age minus 18 for high-school graduates and age minus

22 for individuals with a bachelor’s degree. We weight observations by the “person weight”

variable provided by IPUMS.

Housing: To calculate the average housing price in a metropolitan statistical area, we

use all observations in which the household pays rent for their dwelling that has two or

three bedrooms. We do not restrict the sample by any labor-market outcomes. We drop

observations that lack a kitchen or phone. We calculate the average gross monthly rent for

each metropolitan area using the “household weight” variable provided by IPUMS.

College ratio: Following Beaudry, Doms, and Lewis (2010), we define the “college ratio”

as the number of employed individuals in the MSA possessing a bachelor’s degree or higher

educational attainment plus one half the number of individuals with some college relative

to the number of employed individuals in the MSA with educational attainment less than

college plus one half the number of individuals with some college. We weight observations

by the “person weight” variable provided by IPUMS.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (48)

Note that both income and rent observations are top-coded in IPUMS data.

Geography: We map the public-use microdata areas (PUMAs) to metropolitan statisti-

cal areas (MSAs) using the “‘MABLE Geocorr90, Geocorr2K, and Geocorr2010” geographic

correspondence engines from the Missouri Census Data Center. For 1990 and 2000, we con-

sider both primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs) and consolidated metropolitan

statistical areas (CMSAs). The 2005-2007 geographies are defined by core-based statistical

areas (CBSAs). In some sparsely populated areas, only a fraction of a PUMA’s population

belongs to a MSA. We include PUMAs that have more than 50% of their population in a

metropolitan area. Figure 1 and Table 1 describe PMSAs in 2000.

Migration: We study individuals in the 2000 Census public-use microdata who are

born in the United States, 30 to 55 years of age, whose highest educational attainment

is a high school degree or a bachelor’s degree, and who currently live in a metropolitan

area as identified by the “metaread” IPUMS variable. We identify residence changes over

the five-year span using the “migrate5d” variable. We identify metropolitan changes by

comparing the “migmet5” and “metaread” variables for individuals who lived in an identified

metropolitan area five years earlier. We calculate distances between public-use microdata

areas using the latitude and longitude coordinates of the PUMAs’ centroids, calculated from

US Census cartographic boundary files. We assign residences changes that do not change

PUMAs a distance of zero.

C.2 Empirical estimates

Our empirical approach is to estimate cities’ college wage premia and then study spatial

variation in those premia. Our first-stage estimates of cities’ skill premia are obtained by

comparing the average log weekly wages of full-time, full-year employees whose highest edu-

cational attainment is a bachelor’s degree to those whose highest educational attainment is

a high school degree.

Our first specification uses the di!erence in average log weekly wages y in city c without

any individual controls as the first-stage estimator. The dummy variable collegei indicates

that individual i is a college graduate. Expectations are estimated by their sample analogues.

premiumc = E(yic|collegei = 1) " E(yic|collegei = 0)

Our second approach uses a first-stage Mincer regression to estimate cities’ college wage


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ...· A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (49)

premia after controlling for experience, sex, and race. The first-stage equation describing

variation in the log weekly wage y of individual i in city c is

yi = "Xi + )c + $ccollegei + *i

Xi is a vector containing years of potential work experience, potential experience squared, a

dummy variable for males, and dummies for white, Hispanic, and black demographics. The

estimated skill premium in each city, $c, is the dependent variable used in the second-stage

regression. We refer to these estimates as “composition-adjusted skill premia.”

One may be inclined to think that the estimators that control for individual characteristics

are more informative. But if di!erences in demographics or experience are correlated with

di!erences in ability, controlling for spatial variation in skill premia attributable to spatial

variation in these factors removes a dimension of the data potentially explained by our

model. To the degree that individuals’ observable characteristics reflect di!erences in their

abilities, the unadjusted estimates of cities’ skill premia are more informative for comparing

our model’s predictions to empirical outcomes.

Table 3 shows the correlation between estimated skill premia and population sizes for

various years and geographies. These coe"cients are akin to those appearing in the first

column of Table 1.

Table 3: Skill premia and metropolitan populations

1990 1990 2000 2000 2005-7PMSA CMSA PMSA CMSA CBSA

Skill premia 0.0145** 0.0133** 0.0327** 0.0285** 0.0411**(0.00395) (0.00398) (0.00380) (0.00367) (0.00377)

Composition-adjusted 0.0129** 0.0128** 0.0282** 0.0244** 0.0288**skill premia (0.00314) (0.00319) (0.00326) (0.00310) (0.00331)

Observations 322 271 325 270 353Robust standard errors in parentheses

** p<0.01, * p<0.05

Note: Each cell reports the coe"cient and standard error from an OLS regression of the estimated collegewage premia on log population (and a constant). The sample is full-time, full-year employees whose highesteducational attainment is a bachelor’s degree or a high-school degree.


(PDF) A SPATIAL KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ... · A Spatial Knowledge Economy Donald R. Davis and Jonathan I. Dingel NBER Working Paper No. 18188 June 2012 JEL No. F1,F22,J24,J61,R1 ABSTRACT Leading - PDFSLIDE.NET (2025)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.