The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)

I 1 I -at: ll iz: i 1. -4 I fun. as Kv 1 I i I a. Lewis. New Tor P-lisviUs, A i invrsbD-w.

i Losssc kaf rrte.ft.fti I ib Tbeut- 4 rtghtson, h- Pouuifi l's Farmer Vaury. E. r. Webbi Ls-vUle, M. Ginn TUdea, C.

Markt. -Tb were rtfi law, P. i A. minr, C. II mtvuls, 1 Onpev J.

A. ion, A. A. -i; am jasrt, A. 1 rk, A J.

-wet, E. I. eitlert 1 Grove, Letbyt line j' of ccoiy 08 cents, cncli. iMJSTEJl 176 es 178 41 0 PATERSON, N.J DO YOU- WANT, PIANO-? 1 ri l)j jv J1' ti? vi 0 fiWWT COPT THJ8 riLklimil 'it-', PEEK Manufacturers of iLj A c- Jt it I 0 Ev a Jarg stock at th Piano Parlor jut opened is till oity. -i i Jr 4 j6 mum- Uh-lt saa i to- IT A silver at fib I 1 i ot a ot 1'.

1 1 or jco1v tof i 1 ih otion oa "Bbr ef I- i. tbT rtotiU bj. -rSciletioi of tbi niloA Tbr a noni MnKment on tit othr baoi ia tor of placing tb natter in tb band of jU oommittee, and that tdra Anally prevuki. Tke dWoMlon developed a decided op-ptalUon to tba ipcal of tb bmaaeawtasd a Ur je majority of thoe prroeot lnsirted that tba pledgee of tba partys national platform should be carried out. BlmeUUUm was generally advocated aa against the unconditional p.

There waa adlepoaition to deal promptly wlth the aubjeo on that baala, sod Senator Gormaa waa authorized to name the oont-inlttoo to oondact negotiationi for a oota-promlao on the general qaeetton. Tba oommittee oonaiate of Senator Gorman, Yoorheea, JUaaom, Gray and Blackbnra. The Tree SUnr IwtleMwa. The free eileer oonrentioa in the ball of the houee adopted the following reeola tiOQI Reaolred, That we will eapport bill repaai-is lha porchaalng clauaa af the Sbaraiattaete end enoowreatly prorid'no for the free sad nnllmlteil ooiaaie ef aAver with fail legal taoderaaality, on each a ratio aa will provide and maintain tba parity batwaea (old and lit-eae. be it farther beaoleed.

That a oommittee of aerea heap-printed by the ebairmaa of thia eonferonoe to droit and Introdaaa euoh a bill and take proper OtapetoeeeurotiteUUaad free diaouaaion end enndecatiea' thereof, and a rota of the hoaao poo the Mil and all proper amendment The oompiittae provided for la the ieao lotion was named, oa follows) Mnera, Bland, Elbley, Bootner, Loan Bankhead, Bryan and Bailey. Mr. Culberson, chair-mad of the eommttton waa afterward added to the oommittea. In thoooune of the aeesloo Mr. Bland presented tbe terms of the propoaltloo made to him by Mr.

Bottrke Oockntn on betveU of the nntiaUroritao for an Immediate dlaoueeion of the whole slim guee-tton. This propoeition, it ia understood, included limitation of tba time within which vote should be taken, the number of amend meu tote ho offered to the measure introduced tot dteeuMou and the mannet of dispoulag of them, It could bo made eiUctiro only of eoaree by thecoo-eent of the etlee med, and that they might bare aa opportunity to eoaoider It waaooo of the principal reasons for holding the aesslon. Every one who talked about the proceedings avoided nay mention of the views of the member upon this (object, hut the team of them may be fairly judged by tb language of the resolution adopted and that of Mr. Bland. Tbe inference eeemata be that th proposition of the antisUver men was not acceptable to th advocate of free coinage end that far tbe present, at be no general canaant arrangements for directing the dlaoomlaa thg bill to repeat th Sherman law.

Pemoeeatte Caaeea. Tb canons of Democratic eenaton ad. loaned, after oesaion lasting about two hour, without waohlng any conclusion a to a liu of policy. There was a strong difference of opinion respecting the silver question, and tbecatn cue adjourned to meet again la (few days, Meanwhile tb subject of silver repent will not figure In tb senate, for th purpose ia to adjourn from toduy till Monday. Immediately after adjournment of th caucus Mr.

Gorman repaired to th room of th committee on appropriation hud called Into consultation Bens ton Blackburn, Gray, Uauaom and Voorbere, Senator co*ckrell waa iavited to remain In tba room. All ef these eenaton, with tb ez-ception of Senator Gray, were member of the Democratic aancuz committee of tb last session, and although Mr. Gorman bad not mad bis appointment at th time of tbe ooneultatioa their presence gave color to th expectation that they would be named a mem here of the canons committee. 7 Th senate was In session only SO minutes, and a considerable part of that time waa occupied by the chaplain In an eloquent eulogy of tb lata Senator Stanford of California. The Only Horn of business transacted wa tb reference to tb committee on appropriations of tb bourn joint resolution to provide for th payment of sessional employees of th two house during tb preeeot extraordinary section.

A motion to adjourn was mod by Mr. Gorman of Maryland, tb parliamentary leader "of th majority, aad Mr. Platt of Conueett-out, tn tb like role for th piioorlty, manded tha yeas and nays. i'VAU tba Democratic senator voted for adjournment and were ro-sn forced by nil th senator from th silver producing Tb negative vole wa glvan by Hspublioana Tba moult wan Yean 8) naye. SI, sad tha aonat adjourned, It waa expected that under tb term of tha resolution adopted by tk house 8neek.

Call and examine. New atod Catalogue term. Bargaig clr -colait toany addrau. yy'; Mr MUSICAL ECHO, OPTICAL ILLUSION 'i 158 Fair Street," Faterson, N.rJ. ck.

SPRING 4 a ft I Ac i on waa 4 1 Ataernivs. a- uSw hard at on Prod t-e clooeirg ef a nd- i Wid for th ctmpa r-1 1. D. Crite of Limft ehatrman of I state central committee, 1 1 a the convention to order thanked tl. .1 oommittc end the titixcai gn- Jlyof Ciootnuatt, Irreapeetiro of party, fur tbe complete arrangement that had insured tb convenience and accommodation of tb convention, and urgad the delegatee to go forth after their work was don with vigilance and determination to do battl with the common enemy until th polls enclosed in Iovsmber.whes Victory would be Continninq, he eald: Mr.

CrlW poach. About two men tb there was held in tb Capital city ef thi state a roi anon meeting called RepibUoaa state eonv non noted for its deplsted dtieeation. it total lac of th willful absence of the most prominent Republicans Of th state. any ef whom not even sought the shadow of aa excuse for nonettendaaoe, but their motive were How ddferant are the surrounding herri Every of tb ritm 1 bi place, booked byes equal a amber ef sturdy rit Bate and sarrounded by tboumadsef th ran and file ef th party fro every district and boost? ef the stale, all united aad entbutiaetlo for party suoeeaft We rogrot tha aeoeaeMT absence ef many proodneat ritiaaaa ef Ohio1-Democrats high la tb couaeil ef th party, who, instead of (asking esceese for their aaxloos aad eiomenng to be with aft DutyUth eouatry compel their proeeao andtervioeela the natiooti legislative halls at Weehingtoo, where they are engaged la what, let heps, may prove a enocemful effort to unde seme ef the evil ef Shetmartsm end Mo-Kinleyism ia particular and of RepnbUoaniaru in general, which an oppreeriro to the people and th bueinem of the country today. While th ee sailed Utti Napoleen is there, meeting his final Waterloo in th metis of national politt.

let ns make the little bantam ef Ohleadead Urd by plating I th pit with him today ene ef our proad Demeerati toostaro with nobles spur, who shall drive him omr oistaly from th Buckeye roost a pea which for Marly two years ho ha aa gracefully poeed, over which he hao ro deflaaUy domlartad and all efwhlch he ho ecbaoely polluted. Fortunately we may aafty rely upon thata-triligraea and fidsUty ef these tried sad traedalegata. dlrootiy repreoenUngth Pemoo-rmcycf tbe state, wisely transact tb hurt, nemef this eonyen tics. I beeprok for your da. lihantioas pradanroaad harmony and a platform ssd a Hoket that shall icdoaod.

not only to ymr credit, bat to that ef th kAOUO loyal Demoent who lent you here, 4 4. Hon. Gilbert H. Bargar of Oolumbn acted aa temporary chairman aad Hon, Walter Thtem of Cleveland oa temporary secretary. B.

W. Layton of Wapakoneta la th eergsaut at arms. Following tb addiuro of Mr. CritTO, Cbalrmafi Bargar arid few words to th eonvantioftand thru the report of the committee an erodes tie Is was rend. -Tb talk of tb morning ha been tb actios of tb oommittee on resolutions.

It remained la session until IS min Ole after midnight. Tb roll of tba SI districts were called, and rock member responded with bis view on tb silver question. With two exceptions tb message of President Cleveland waa condemned, and tb opinion waa expressed that th platform should denture for fin coinage at tbs ratio of 16 to Finally it was decided to refer the platform to a committee, with instruction to report today. The entire eommltte fro coinage in sentiment. 7 The Situation Cloudy, Th situation thi morning is mixed and at nnde finable a it was hours ago.

As John Louts, to Coiambus politician and himself leading dark -bore for too gubernatorial nomination, pnt it, The situation la unparalleled aad Indescribable." Tb most and ia fact tho only Important development waa to propulsion into the roll of aa open candidate for tb bead of the tlcketCharlee Baker Of this city. This waa brought about at a caucus Neals opponents bad at tha 8t Nicholas, convened by W. Hughes, ex-consul to Birmingham and ons of ex-Gor-ornor Campbells chief lisutenaots, and participated in by half a score ef delegates from as many district. To this conference Mr. Baker was summoned, and when th gathering broke np tb announcement was mad tbat Baker bad been entered la to lists and might be regarded a tb administration candidate for the nomination.

Headquarters were at once opened at tb Gibson House, adjoining thoe occupied by Candidal Neal, and tbe word went around that to prospective domino of to convention was ready and willing to Welcome bis supporter. Neel himself says that be does not know bow large a vote be will poll, aad tola Is also taken a a a sign of weakness by bis anemieft This ia bis third attempt to become governor of Ohio! and to Campbell Ken assert that he by this time know perfectly well where bis strength lies, aad that If be bad 805 votes ueurod he would loro no time In claiming toent with a loud i Draw Out. John A. MeMahou ef Duyton who waa mentioned for tb nomination and who bad a following, has kicked tb gas out of his own balloon by declaring that be would not take the nomination if it wa tendered him by both partte. Tbea Mr.

McMahon, after declaring thiftbaetea. ed over totb St. Nicholas hotel and locked himself In a room with tb anti-Noal people. V. Tbe selection of Baker to lead tb Camp, ride of the convention baa hart Neal somewhat In Hamilton connty.

Meal baa declared that be will abide by tb Chicago platform, and bis followers are Democrats of th nnterrifled stamp, Who will stick to Mm aa long as thro la a show of hia nomination. On tb other band tb Campbell men make no donlal of th fact tbat they are with tb administration aad that th(y snout to beat Neal, aad to beat him with any man wbo oaa be mad available. Campbell will not be a candidate, and If bta name goro before tbeoouventlou by toe act of some enthusiastic follower It will be Instantly withdrawn. Colonel Joseph Hughes of Hamilton, who 1 looking after tb Campbell rid of tb fight, is carrying tn bis pocket an antqgrapb letter from Campbell, In whloh tbat grntleman etatfig tbat be will not take the nomination. Boeing Parrot Badaeed.

3 Niw Aug. TO- After several days deliberation jtoaJEaatera Raring association determined to reduce th vain of their overnight parses from tl.OOO to (606. Skat Bleuelf Ia a Hotel, NlT Yore, Ang. 10 A men supposed to be Jobs Mtllne af 330 Orange street, Albeny, shot aad killed himself ia tb In-terastional hotel at If Park row. 175 Market Street? Boy 'a and Children Cap in largo Tartaty at bottom prtou.

ta: al tiAts oi a rx, a. K.iw I I O-TU vis i4 -elt Lous-ow. t-a- ifrf I iruae. At Baltimore 61166166 13 8 eyhlns Cram Hwk and Rohinwm. Cmpiro-MtQuode.

At Washington a. it u. Washington 0 0 0 90 6-3 7 4 Kiehola and Bennett, itockdal end McGuire, Cmpiro-Geffney. A fill lift NO ft to nttehes tfifiI66I6g6I 6W6 I i I I oo-yios Terry soil Bugdrn. Hutohlnaon and Schriver.

Umpire Hurat. At Oevtiaad (firet 6 6 6 9 16 6 Rhodro and Weaver, Cuppy and Gmuon. Cmpire Lynch. heoend game ftfi.ftft to Cleveland 6 6 6 1 6 6 6 -1 Menefee and Grim, Yen rnt and Guuson, Uw pbro Weaver aad OOonaor, EAATSSF UAOGE SAXES, At Erie 1 ft a. a.

Kne 6696696 S-1136 16166196 66 1 Niori and Berner. Fisher aad Urqnkait. Um riro-Swartwooft At Bprinrildd- ft 6 1 9 1 9 9 6 6 6-616 9 fre! 9 1999999 9-6 99 Coughlin and Byes, Gruber aad Morphy, Umpire Bttui 1 At Providence ftftft providence. 9 9 9 9 6 9 9 lIU 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 9 9-1 9 7 Rudder bom and MoKeosgb, Bangwria and Bee. Umpire-Hunt 4 At Binghamton A ftft 19999191 99 I 6 99199999 9-9 99 Duryeu end Sweeny, MaLaegbAa aad Lake.

Omplre-Kaowleft 4 BRIEFLY WORDED WIRINGS, Mgr. Satolli ie to visit Arobbiskop Cor V- 1 Virginia day at tba World's fair was celebrated. jvI t. Robert lL Colemaa, th lroa tnOUonalr ef Lebanon, baa aasigued. Tba outlaw Conrad brothers areetill at large and armed in Indiana.

Thoeteamahl Majeotle brought 11,800,. 900 worth af grid to New York from lane deft A. 3( Jobs H. Mrister, a Brooklyn baker, shot and killed bis wltft then shot and bangod bimselt r- -Tbe damag sulk brought by Drila Koft gaa against Bussell Bag baa been again postponed. Five boys eeeaped from 8t Dominicks borne, Brooklyn, aad Started ft tor Worlds fair.

f-7 Two af a mob of wbitooaps wen shod dead by to man they intended to tar aad faathw at Sweet Springs, Ky, Tb breaking of a scaffold tops caused ton painter to fall sis stories in Now York, silling on and fatally injuring tb etosif, ro-fow Fever a roMoeelft Pensacola, Ang. TO Tb Escambia county board of health baa issued tba following official paper; 4 The board ef health regret to annaanoathat two death hv occurred is thi city those ot Bev. r. a Write sad Ellen Wood-hoth pro-Bouneed yellow Tb ho roe bare bees lariated, bedding aad slothing destroyed aad ell neceeeory precautions takes to prevent tb spread of the fever. The public will be notified lmmediotely if say new eases develop, and at proeent we roe na cause foe Undue alarm.

This created almost a panic; and at least 1,800 people will tear the oity today. Italy VU Vs Broaa Mosey; i 7 Home, Ang. TO There is a great scarcity ef small silver In Italy, outing to too rlao ia tbs rata ot exchange. Merchants oa lira notes and postage stamps. With a view of remedying thia evil Bigaor Gavaft at, minister at flnanea, baa ordered tb taro of bronxe coin to th amount of 73,006,000 and af on Um notes te th amount of Tom Is Almraod, Houston, Aag.

10. Tb greatest alarm and anxiety i manifested In Texas, Which produces such an enormous percentage of tb cotton crop ot tbs world. Every Indus, try ia dependent on its movement. 1 Ball' way are cutting down force, currency lx rolling at a premium ot 896 on 11,000, and money to handle to crop ia Impossible to obtain. 1 Attempted SoieM WhUa Abroad.

LfTIBTOOL, Ang. TO Mm Jane Metier of Boston attempted to commit anlrid In tb river Meroey. 6b was a paeeengar on a ferryboat, and when th boat waa in midstream jumped overboard. When rescued sb was Insensible. Her condition te critical.

Mm Metier recently loot a child, and It death affected her deeply. lr Aaotbor Mahandalt Arrives, New Yore, Ang. TO. Another East India prince arrived tn this city on bis way to tbi Worlds fair. Hi card give hi amftftad tills a Maharajah fiir Waghjl Tbokore, aahabof MorvL With him labia son, bta highness, tb Prison LukdhiejL Colonel Humphrey af tba British army te with them.

t. The Bte An Troableaoeqft Dcranoo, Aug. TO Tb Uteo an leaving their reservation In large number and becomlug troublcaome. Twenty-five mounted men bav left here la pursuit, and th authorities will at once make effort get tb Indian bach on tho reservation. Tb military may be called out, Smallpox Is a Crowd doll.

Hxaoino, Aug. TO Considerable ex-rite mens wa (rested bar by tb announcement tbat two case of smallpox bad boon disooverod la tb Berko county Jail. Tb institution 1s crowded with prisoners. Tb victim will fa removed to tb hospital. Coavteta Wltk KUroglyeerlo.

Franefort, Ang. TO Tb convict mad another daring attempt to blow up tb penitentiary With nitroglycerin, but ware foiled by tba timely disoovery of Warden Norman. Sargooro Operated oa Mr. Maekoja NW Yoke. Aug.

TO A euocessful operation was performed on Mr. John W. Mackey, tb millionaire Californian, for tb remora! oj a vermiform appendix. Death of AOjolral doklaft WAfnixoTON, Aug. 10.

Rear Admiral Tbantaa Al Jenkins died at hi neideno te this rity jbf heart failure, aged 81 year. Al dtyjbf I tilrU 00 An rlC Fair Altaadaa, CHICAOofAag. TO Tb number of d-re' i-s -the World fair Wednesday I If Vc-. 3 Cc -tryts ttiit td tzz nnii idle Want to Rack Out Bee Fotithft but Wtihe tb Vattod State ibMllnie th Load Baki BeB Xot Tak to th tcharo. New Yoke.

Ang. Bon my t. fay. Several exceedingly interesting gram from London were received Wto street yesterday. They were not mad pot tie, nor are they ever likely to be, Th were eent by London broking konweg th highest repute to torir eronspcndwB her and were as eonfldential they win important.

Their pnrpoew would aothi cloarly forth by reproduciag then, evn it were poeaibl to do rot. Bene kb more expedient to giro thrirtnbstnceui bearing. On theetrengtbof toelnfnrmatimetft' veyed and inquiriro mad by thaw Leo- don banker It ran be stated that Hatty. Usb government has broom alarmed ft jb prospect of tb repeal of the Sberna lllver law. The member of toewbhwtandliean tag, possibly informally, tb odrirot of making a propoatilon to ton Giiri gtatro that it wtU ooatinu tba pnrekro of etlvor under tba act of 1816 to rv government will reopen mints to to tiro ooiuage of silver at tb ratio ot It te 1 Why They lead It la understood tbat th fovromam has been induced to sound official sad rial sentiment in this country relative It nek a pro petition by a number of rinam-rtanem Chief among these 1a the tepid withdrawal ot gold from tb Bank af log- land and ether sources of supply for skip I meat totb United States.

It te recognised abroad tbat thb mere men which late a large extent tiMarsl-r that te, baaed npoath shifting otto bob anoe of trade, ia stlm ala ted by tb premium which gold now command bare ear, rency, and which te very mneb largw torn tbe premium paid by Aastria and ether Europeane powero te stimulate export ef -gold from the United States when tb balance of trad wa 1 favor of Eerop. Another factor, It I said, I tb disaetifr taction ct English maanfaetarn rod of banker and march eat in India with to decision of tb Indies government, which te really aa agent of Greet Britain, to dose tbs mints at India to to tyre coinage of liver. -V Tb government, it is said, wishes to ro treat from to step has taken, rod at the same time desire to Induce tb United instate to continue tbe harden It has born In th past by purchasing silver bullion, It is not Impossible that early public. Mon of toe plan which th British aablnet baa under ooneideratioa may prevent it formal promulgation. Thatbowerer, will BoTjpbllterate tb fact that to prnporitlea referred to above ha been aonsbtondugt a print tost render it adrisabl to new tala the asatlment In eenaln rircloi here.

Banker wbo were advised of tb taqufc lea mad yesterday, and they wore com. paratively few and ot toe highest reak. were surprised at their character. At tot same time they regarded tb policy todb eated with great complacency. Tb print wa mad that, for tb first time el no to silver question bad become a rital cm end of international Importance, Gnat BrtUI bad, indirectly or covertly, suggested 6 ratio, Of course tb Insincerity of theiag-gfstion waa promptly detected, for it ra late to th fioanes of on of Great Brit aint dependencies, rod not directly toils own financial affair.

Treats Us Wisk Contempt. In other words tb suggestion actually pntatb United Btetes In th same cow-gory a India. This country te by into once tbat admits of no doubt treated ast minor monetary power. It te hardly mow aary to add tbat tb Inquiries cabled bare presumably sc too Instauo ot the English government, did not elicit expressions favorable to toe making Of overture upot tbe basis suggested la tb cablegram. Th substance of these dispatches ro communicated last night to certain oil-rial at Washington with the purport of eliciting thelr vtewA Upon on point it te entirely probsbls tbat Washington will entertain, even if 9 doe not express, the same Tiow tbat expressed hen yesterday, namely, that Ite suggestion te unmistakable evidence ef weakness on tb part of Gnat Britain.

Bankers familiar with tb subject salt yesterday that it was not conceivable that overture of th character Indicated worid be encouraged. They ateo agreed that tte significant suggestion af a new ratle Great Britain, even for on of ita column, should not be underestimated. Qol Inttrt Bisseotf aad Vna HI Dr. Wing Qnt. tot brat known Chinee medicine men in (to city, died In hte room at 19 Psll etrert with out medical attondsnoft Ho bad brae tk for nearly six mouth, aad though to I friend brought several pbyelciane tel room be refuted to tab any of tbtir Brir riu aad taunted on treating bimtelL Galulag Wttk a BrokoaVeeh.

Brooklyn, Aug. ia Th phyricUe to Homeopstbia hospital were enrprbrt to find that there waa a Might TON" meat in tb condition of Henry Rlchtrft non, who neck wa broken while be ro bathing at Bath Beach on Sunday. Naval Driaere Dlaad, London, Ang. TO Earl Bpeaem lord ot the admiralty, gave a dinner honor Ot Admiral Erbrn end Capteta baa of the United Btete orniror ChWto which te Row at Southampton. Leave Fuglllua Fee ftlti Boston, Aug.

la Jo er, sun on nee that he te through wttft giliatft He 1s a candidate for to tommm counoll from Sooth Boston. County Iteeeedt Boraed, I conrtbonro at Isabella waa fired, tb county records except thoe eontti" I in two books were burned. teetallet Oong reae AdveroSe Euatca, Ang. TO Tbe International olalUt coogrtm approvrd th eotabUs ot aa eight boar working day. 9eatr feert MoUror DwA Lo Argue.

Jones ot Nevada died ot to 4 ALL PUSHING MZN. OZBeers ef tbs Trust manned te In Pol a Csmrt. Nzw Yonx, Au 13, Polio Justice Grady Issued eumr against J. M. Water bury.

fll. i i. St, G. Weaver Leper and j1. T.

Wall to appear la the Jet. frrsoa Market court at Id o'clock next Monday morning to answer to charges of perjury and violation ef th statutes relating to corporations. Tb four persons against whom these charges are made wrvs officers and large st-v-kboidet of th National Cordage vny. 'These criminal proceeding were lnm It ted by K. B.

Batch, a stockholder of the confpany, who is also connected with th John Good Cordage and Machine company. In consideration of tb social and basinets positions of the four persons named, Mr. Purdy requested the justice to issue summonses Instead of warrants of arrest. Tb complainant, B. Batch, recite that for tb year beginning October, the book of tk Nations Cordage company show that a dividend of IM0MlAf7 wa declared on th capital stock of th company and that surplus of flOMU waa carried over, Mr.

Batch alleges that th dividend had not been earned for that period. Upon that allegation th charge of misdemeanor is based, and aa tb financial statement which showed an earned dividend was sworn to the charge of perjury follow. 4, laved Um MeOePl If easy. Nzw Yoke, Aug. 10.

Just before th Madison Square bank suspended th state treasure managed to draw a check for 1300,000 of th state money. The check reached th clearing house before th St. Nicholas bank had served tha notice that it would no longer clear for the Madison Square The 300,000 waa noeepted by It, and Muz th fund of th state were entirely out of jeopardy. Th suspended Madison Squaro bank will probably go into th hand of a receiver within few days, although President Slant and several of the director and depositors expressed their belief that th institution, would Room business without muck delay. The nervy in KashvOlas 4 Nararau, Aug.

TO. After the anspen-siou of th first National bank of this city the directors of the Fourth Notional bank held a meeting; thee present representing several million of property, and signed a guarantee pledging themselves, their Individual rotate; to th payment af all deposits. The director of th City Borings bank bald meeting and unanimously derided to tu peed payment for 00 days. Tb suspension th tsnwd by th stringency Of thtfffiOaey taArkeCTWbank la considered solvent Jt. Two MiUlaro la Woetoru Mortgagee Ntw York, Aug.

TO William F. E. Mill baa been appointed rooriror of tha Hamilton Loan and Trust company at ISO Broadway. Ho la th second vie president of the The company, has loaned, it I said, over 000 on western fartpa and had a paid In capital of 1359,000. Tho liabilities outside of capital stock are about 90,000 and assets over 1700,000 in lands, first mortgagee; accrued Interest, ft 'i 111 111 Meoey Fee Firemen, BzooztTV, Aag.

10, The city trees ober of Brooklya wa notified that owing to tho scarcity of currency th Nassau bank, on of tk custodians of oity funds, would not be able to pay warrants in bills for tb monthly salariro of tb fire department, sumAMto Ax Th Tea OoropaaFs Trouble. 1 Nzw YoilX, Ang. Id, Judge OBrien tn supreme court bao granted th motion mad last week to open th default taken by Watteou dk Farr against tb Ceylon Planters To company. 4 Meredith Kaamtasd. PocoBZXzna, N.

Aug. 10. Th lew ttmony given by Edward Meredith, who a few years ago shot Phil Daly, th gambler, Waa ia reference to bis eamty, habeas corpus proceeding having been commenced Involving tb qnrotios and looking to hie bring taken from the Matteawan Insane asylum back to Sing Bing prison. The Advertlsoes Mistaha, 4 Nbw Yoke, Ang. TO The Sun eaysoday that The Commerrial Adrertleer.

which printed th president's message minutes before it waa released. has satisfactorily explained tb matter. It was ell a mistake. Therefor th 10 days' sstpeneion from th United Press and th fin will not be TBIimtWE" 1 Cauls af Es-rrorideai Barrlsaa a Faapar, DsMTZft Ang. TO A 'fine looking aid man, nearly 80 year 14 it In the county poor He gave bis name as William Harrison and said ho wa first cousin of th ex-pnrident.

Tb official in vet ti gated and have Motived UiHcrs confirming tha old gentleman1 statement in ovary particular, a a Boraed la 0 Folding Bed, 1 Nzw YoaZx Aug. lOy-Whil Mrs. Ed ward Gormaa of 63 Batii street was pouring naphtha on a folding bed, at tbe same time holding a lighted lamp fa) oa hand, th bed closed upward, imprisoning her, together with th lamp aad the can of inflammable fluid. She wee burned to death, Throe Defeated gnaioaroaeo, Chicago, Ang. Kb for the first time daring th I A.

W- Zimmerman was beaten from th seraich. John Johnson, the Minneapolis wonder, seriated by Tuttle and Knieely, accomplished hie defeat la th five mil national championship. Mew Terh Boy at th Foie. A LB AST, Ang. TO G'everner Flower aad staff aad th state officers will leave for Chicago oa or about Sept.

9 aa to be la attendance on th Mow York State day at th Worlds fair, the Mh Mew Terh Taeht Gleb Orutee, New Lexnor, Ang. It. The yachts th New York yacht fleet arrived herd Tk flagship May wa th first ever lisa Fterlst Ia Gaaroatlaq, St. Louis, A i. 18-Th Flarieto of America -t IJ Strang to teir Main Street 13 THE 7 LATEST DESIGNS IN Near Ward St.

B.BUT8800N. Hecjr (Old Treat. atiohal Bank 1 i 1 UK tf 4 4 port, ni.tec.eog flee Prenfsek 0 l' 5 Prsstdsol of Pas sal ZelUa mil r. r. W1LUAH 8TZANUE.

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The News from Paterson, New Jersey (2024)


When did Paterson, NJ become bad? ›

Beginning in the late 1960s, the city suffered high unemployment rates and white flight. According to the New Jersey Historical Commission, Paterson's industrialism ended “as the economy and technological needs of the United States changed. By 1983, Paterson was the fifth poorest city in the United States.

What was Paterson NJ most known for? ›

It is the county seat of Passaic County. Paterson is known as the "Silk City" for its dominant role in silk production during the later 19th century. Paterson was originally formed as a township from portions of Acquackanonk Township on April 11, 1831, while the area was still part of Essex County.

What is the race population in Paterson NJ? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Paterson, NJ are Other (Hispanic) (35.6%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (23.5%), Two+ (Hispanic) (15.8%), White (Hispanic) (10.4%), and White (Non-Hispanic) (7.71%).

Where is the bad part of Paterson NJ? ›

In Paterson, a certain block around Auburn Street in the city's 4th Ward has become a place where violence and drug arrests are all too common, and have spiked in recent years.

Is Paterson a good place to live? ›

Is Paterson NJ safe? The Paterson New Jersey crime rate is 83.1% higher than the rest of the state and 5.7% higher than the rest of the country. According to the FBI, general crimes occur for every 2,479 out of 100,000 people.

What is the nickname for Paterson NJ? ›

The height of Paterson's industrial strength came in the 1890s. While there had been silk mills in the city since the mid-1800s, by the end of the 19th century the explosive growth and density of silk manufacturers earned Paterson the nickname "Silk City".

What is the oldest house in Paterson NJ? ›

The Van Houten House is an authentic example of Dutch Colonial architecture. The original stone house, and a wood framed addition, were constructed circa 1741 by Garrebrant Van Houten. The house remained in the Van Houten family for two generations.

Why did so many immigrants move to Paterson, New Jersey? ›

By the early 1900's, immigrants from all over Europe desperate for work were pouring into Paterson, which had become the nation's leading center for mills that converted raw silk into the fine clothing worn by America's wealthy.

What is the crime rate in Paterson, New Jersey? ›

In 2021, Paterson had 623 reported violent crimes. The 2021 violent crime rate was 390 per 100,000, just slightly over the national average. The 2021 homicide rate was 18.2 murders per 100,000 people. That's considerably higher than the New Jersey homicide rate of 4.1, and the U.S. murder rate was 6.8 per 100,000.

How many Muslims are in Paterson? ›

With New Jersey boasting the highest percentage of Muslim residents in the United States, Paterson stands as home to the state's largest Muslim community, estimated at around 30,000 followers, the resolution read.

How many Dominicans are in Paterson? ›

Census data shows that more than 70% of Paterson's 156,000 residents are Hispanic, including about 44,000 people of Dominican heritage. But just three of Paterson's nine City Council seats and four of its nine Board of Education slots are held by people with Latino cultural backgrounds.

What is Paterson named after? ›

Paterson was one of the first planned industrial cities in the United States. The enterprise was chartered by the New Jersey legislature in 1791 as the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (SUM); the city was named for Governor William Paterson, one of the framers of the U.S. Constitution.

Who is the black mayor of Paterson New Jersey? ›

"Marty" Barnes (March 15, 1948 – December 28, 2012) was an American Republican Party politician from Paterson, New Jersey. He served as Mayor of Paterson, New Jersey for five years. He was the first African-American mayor in Paterson's history.

What celebrity is from Jersey? ›

Among the most famous actors and actresses to come from New Jersey are Meryl Streep, Kirsten Dunst and Paul Rudd. For comedians, New Jersey ranked seventh, producing big names like Janeane Garofalo, Jerry Lewis and Jon Stewart.

What happened in Paterson 1913? ›

A major struggle in the history of the American Left occurred when twenty-five thousand striking silk workers shut down the three hundred silk mills and dye houses in Paterson, New Jersey, for almost five months of 1913.

Is Paterson getting gentrified? ›

Paterson today is undergoing what can be considered its first phase of gentrification, reinvestment. Most of us have heard the term gentrification but may be unsure as to what it means.

What was the first black town in New Jersey? ›

Head to Lawnside, steeped in history as the state's most significant and largest Black community, established during the late-1700s and initially known as “Snow Hill” and then “Free Haven.” On land purchased by abolitionists in 1840, Lawnside became the first incorporated, self-governing Black municipality north of the ...

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.